
crossly adv.橫,斜;發著脾氣,別扭地,拗著。


During the process of the midship section design , drawing and calculating are carried through crossly ; moreover , with the development of this step , design of detailed structures would be deepened continuously . so drawing and calculating of the midship structure must be modificated again and again , until the perfect consistence between the data and graph is realized 在進行舯部結構設計時,繪圖工作與計算工作一般是交叉進行的;而且,隨著結構設計階段的發展,局部性結構設計不斷深化,舯部結構的計算和圖紙的繪制均不免要反復加以修改,直到彼此能相互準確呼應。

The effect of hpc is broadened remotely to protect different organ - tissues in other regions ( remote / ectopic hpc , r / e hpc ) and crossly to resist a variety of stresses other than hypoxia ( cross / pluripotential hpc , c / phpc ) from protection of original local in situ organ - tissue repeatedly exposed to hypoxia ( local / in situ hpc , i / ii hpc ) 缺氧預適應的效應已由對重復缺氧局部原位器官組織的保護(局部原位缺氧預適應)發展到既保護遠隔的各種異位器官組織(遠程異位缺氧預適應)又抗御其它種種非缺氧性應激(交叉多能缺氧預適應) 。

We can choose the five inscapes of crime phenomenon to construct the fist classify level ; and choose the serious harmfulness of the criminal behaviors , the criminal cause and the countermeasure of crime to construct the second classify level ; and use the standards crossly to construct the third classify level 在此基礎上,以犯罪現象的五大構成要素作為第一層次分類標準,以犯罪行為嚴重的社會危害性、犯罪原因和犯罪對策作為第二層次的分類標準,再以多重標準間有序地交叉使用作為第三層次的分類標準,從而逐步將我國犯罪現象的類型化體系推向縱深發展。

After successful construction of data warehouse system , this thesis crossly applies several theories to combine technologies of neural network and decision tree . thus a model of the analysis of customer chum is built to solve the emerging problem of customer churn from mobile communication companies 在成功構建數據倉庫系統之后,針對移動通信行業日益突出的客戶流失問題,本文采用了多種理論相互融合的思想,將神經網絡和決策樹技術相結合,構建客戶流失分析模型。

Chapter i : banking , insurance , security and trust institutions are all confined to their separated and traditional areas and ca n ' t go beyond them . this is called separated operation . when they go into other ' s areas and are crossly operated , this is called mixed operation 銀行、保險、證券、信托機構等都限定在各自的傳統業務領域內經營,不超越其既定業務范圍謂之分業,它們互相進入對方領域進行交叉經營謂之混業。

Old pretty by this time had looked round , puzzled ; and seeing two people crouching under her where , by immemorial custom , there should have been only one , lifted her hind leg crossly 這時候老美人回過頭來看著他們,感到莫名其妙它看見在它的肚子下面蜷伏著兩個人,從它記事以來,那兒應該只有一個人的,于是發了脾氣,抬了抬后腿。

She stepped behind me and whispered crossly , take yourself and your dusters off ; when company are in the house , servants don t commence scouring and cleaning in the room where they are 她走到我背后,煩惱地低聲說: “帶著你的抹布走開,有客在家的時候,仆人不該在客人所在的房間里打掃! ”

But then i remembered how my studies had been concentrated on geography , history , arithmetic , and grammar , and i told the little chap a little crossly , too that i did not know how to draw 這時我卻又記起,我只學過地理歷史算術和語法,就有點不太高興地對小家伙說我不會畫畫。

The badger came forward a few steps , then stopped . ’ hmm ! a crowd ! ’ he said crossly , and turned his back and disappeared again into the bushes 獾向前走了幾步,然后停下來: “嗯!這麼擁擠! ”他慍惱的說,并且轉過身再次消失在灌木林。

All right then . ’ said the girl crossly . ’ you can stay in prison for the next twenty years , you ungrateful animal “那麼好吧。 ”女孩惱氣的說。 “你在往后20年繼續呆在這個監獄,你這個不知所謂的動物! ”

“ no , why should we ? ” says holly crossly . “ it ' s a problem . it needs sorting out “不,為什么非得我們讓開? ”霍莉生氣地說, “這是個問題,一定要解決。 ”

The rat shook him , not very gently . ’ are you coming to help us , toad ? ’ he asked crossly 水鼠用力的搖他: “你就不能來幫幫我們嗎,蛤蟆? ”他非常生氣的問。

“ found it , “ the mouse replied rather crossly : “ of course you know what it means . “發現這個, ”耗子有點生氣地回答道, “你當然知道這個是什么意思。 ”

Found it , the mouse replied rather crossly : of course you know what “ it “ means “發觀這, ”老鼠有點不耐煩地回答, “你當然不知道這,的意思。 ”

She said crossly , “ don ' t let the flies in . either go out or come in . 她含憤說: “別把蒼蠅放進來,要么就出去,要么就進來。 ”

Well , well , cried her husband crossly , don t strangle me for that 她丈夫煩惱地叫道, “不要為了這個就要把我勒死啦!

I can t stay with her , he answered crossly . i ll not stay by myself “我不能跟她待在一起, ”他煩躁地回答。

Mr . cutter was in a hurry , and said “ no “ , rather crossly 克塔先生正忙得不可開交,沒好氣地說: “不行! ”

Now , don ' t look at me so crossly 不要那么敵視的看著我