
crosshatch vt.(鋼筆畫等)畫上橫直交叉平行線的陰影。


It produces a solid outline at points being shaded where the surface faces away from the camera ( typically around the outside edge of the surface being rendered ) , and crosshatching on the & quot; interior & quot; portion of the surface 它在面對攝像機的遠處(典型地是被著色表面的外輪廓邊)被著色點上產生了一個單一的輪廓線,并在表面的內部區域產生一個交叉陰影。

Mudd s fall 2002 collection is bustin at the seams with the most fashion forward washes and styles including slubbed , flocked and crosshatched texturizing , whisker blasts , railroad stripes , lacing , and of course the dirtiest of denim Mudd2002秋冬新季度以洗水線步召集最新潮流款式,包羅網紋、織紋、坑紋、波紋、喱士、流蘇,當然不可缺少二手騾布。

Note that in the image above , the dark outline and true crosshatch shading have been omitted to clearly illustrate the perspective camera projection of the grid texture onto the surface 注意:在圖像上方,已經被忽略的黑色輪廓線和真正的交叉陰影著色,在透視攝像機里明顯地表明格子紋理已經投射在表面上。

This season is all about texture ! don t let your jeans fall flat . mudd offers slubbed , flocked and crosshatched textures in denim and twill Mudd引領獨特及牛仔率性的生活潮流,讓每一個人在今季都為石磨藍而瘋狂。

In computer graphics , the operation of shading some area of a display image , for example , with dots or crosshatching 在計算機圖形學中,用點或十字線給顯示圖象中某個區域上色的一種操作。

The crosshatch shader actually does two separate things 交叉陰影著色網絡實際上做了兩樣事。

Property fills the rectangle with a crosshatch pattern 屬性以交叉線圖案填充矩形。