
crosse n.克羅斯〔姓氏〕。


Compression couplings with spherical liner ; equal crosses 帶球形襯的壓接管接頭.等長度四通連接管

The bridge crosses the river in a single span 河上那座橋是單跨橋

Fourth , investigate how many progeny the crosses have 第四、調查這個組合的親本有多少后代。

Every human being who crosses the iimit wiii iearn a iesson 每一個跨越限制的人都要接受教訓

“ ' cause we all got our crosses to bear 因為大家都要為自己的生活條件

Artifical crosses technique of pumpkin production 南瓜人工雜交制種技術

“ ' cause we all got our crosses to bear . . 因為大家都要為自己的生活條件

And to take the bodies down from the crosses 把尸首從十字架上拿下來。

I sold three thousand dollars worth in la crosse . 光在拉克勞斯城里我就賣了元的貨。 ”

There should be no more red crosses on the bpel process Bpel流程上不會再有紅色的十字。

8 . the need for information crosses all borders 8 .對資訊的需求沒有國界。

One street crosses itself a time or two 這些“胡同”稀奇古怪地拐著彎子。

He becomes very angry if anyone crosses him 如果有誰反對他,他就會很生氣。

Speaks japanese , korean , english all crosses three levels 會日語,韓語,英語都過三級

Jiang xie in da tong crosses the urban district of pyongyang 大同江斜穿過平壤市區。

Churches are designated on the map by crosses 地圖上教堂以十字形記號標出。

Force him left , and when he crosses over , 逼他從左邊上等他從你身邊過的時候

He get seasick every time he crosse the channel 他每次渡英吉利海峽時都暈船。

Stop burning crosses and stop shooting black folks 別再燒十字架別再射殺黑人