
crosscurrent 逆流;相反思潮[意見,傾向]。


The dissertation analyzes comprehensively the present researches and problems about the high power crosscurrent co2 laser simulation . according to the classical heat - conduction theory , the dissertation establishes the mathematic model of the heat dissipation system of 2 kw crosscurrent co2 laser 根據高功率橫流co _ 2激光器散熱系統結構原理,建立高功率橫流co _ 2激光器散熱系統數學模型,利用泰勒展開,將散熱系統數學模型離散化,使其形式與計算機圖形學中的水波算法在形式上相似。

The basis opposes allowance agreement , can accuse allowance is to point to allow to carry out inside certain limits , but if be in executive process , square to other member economic commerce interest produced adverse effect , the member that causes adverse effect because of measure of this kind of allowance square ok just put forward crosscurrent and to lodge a complaint to the member that uses measure of this kind of allowance 根據反補貼協議,可訴補貼是指在一定范圍內答應實施,但假如在實施過程中對其他成員方的經濟貿易利益產生了不利影響,因這類補貼措施而導致不利影響的成員方就可以向使用這類補貼措施的成員方提出反對意見和提出申訴。

They can simulate the temperature field of the 2 kw crosscurrent co2 laser , draw some relative function charts and display the laminas of cooling fans in three - dimensions 分別模擬2kw橫流co _ 2激光器箱體溫度場的分布情況、繪制若干相關的函數圖象和以三維圖象顯示風機葉輪的幾何形狀。

In thus a thing now want the money society of the crosscurrent , can still see main such temperament middleman of building , is the biggest good luck in my whole life doubtless 在現在這樣一個物欲橫流的金錢社會里,竟然還能見到樓主這樣的性情中人,無疑是我這輩子最大的幸運。

The dissertation takes 2 kw crosscurrent co2 laser for example , aiming to develop three simulation sub - systems of high power crosscurrent co2 laser 以2kw橫流co _ 2激光器為研究對象,開發了2kw橫流co _ 2激光器仿真系統的三個子系統。

Therefore , it is of great significance to research the simulation technology of the high power crosscurrent co2 laser 因此,高功率橫流co _ 2激光器仿真系統技術的研究具有重要的理論意義和實用價值。

Sylock fan fit for partial cooling and crosscurrent fan blowing equally wide wind 有適合局部冷卻用的西洛克風扇及送出寬度均勻風力的橫流風扇。

There ' s some kind of crosscurrent 那兒有點兒逆流

There were crosscurrents and moods in american poetical writing after the brilliant renaissance of the period . 1910至1927年間光輝的文藝復興以后,美國詩歌寫作中出現了逆流和新基調。