
crossbred n.,adj.雜交的,雜種(的)。


As one of the contracted agricultural technology extension project in shanxi province , the jinnan cattle feeding and management technical package exte nsion project , assigned by science and technology committee of shanxi province i n 1999 , directed on the problems , such as extensive cattle feeding and managemen t , low sale percentage of commercial beef cattle , low meat production , low repro ductive survive rate of cows and poor economic returns , to increase the scientif ic contents and economic returns of cattle industry by adopting technical packag e including beef cattle crossbreeding , beef cattle feeding and management , cow ' s feeding and nutrition , calf raising , stover processing , and supplementation for grazing cattle in winter and spring etc “晉南牛飼養管理配套技術推廣”是山西省科委1999年度下達“山西省農村技術承包”項目,其目的是針對我區廣大農戶養牛飼養管理粗放、商品牛出欄率低、產肉率低、母牛繁殖成活率低、經濟效益差等缺點,通過采用肉牛雜交改良、改良肉牛飼養管理、加強母牛飼料營養、犢牛培育、秸稈氨化、放牧牛冬春補飼等配套技術,達到提高養牛業科技含量,增加養牛業經濟效益的目的。

Using the vaiety egg ' s color limition of siverworm from romania and the black egg qingsong and by the crossbreeding , the egg ' s color and the egg number of f1 , f2 , f3 generations , as well as female and male proportion in black or white egg wene nvtigated after the quantity statistical analysis the gene and the gene heredity rule of egg ' s color limition , wene deriked the new system of white egg was kfained 摘要利用羅馬尼亞引進的卵色限性品種與黑卵品種菁松,通過雜交育種,調查f1 , f2 , f3代的卵色及卵數,以及黑、白卵中的雌雄比例,經統計分析確定基因型,查明了卵色限性基因的遺傳規律,并獲得了新的白卵系。

Directed on the present situation and existing problems in boosting beef cattle industry based on the yellow cattle improvement in china , the review indicated that several relationships , such as integration of individual households and large scale cattle farms , integration of yellow cattle improvement , crossbreeding , breed conservation and utilization , integration of high grain diet intensified fattening and low grain diet economic fattening , should be handled properly ; and the requirements of profitable cattle industry for increasing reproductive survive rate , using hybrid vigor and improving the weight gain , the main factors affecting economic return of large scale cattle farms and the technology level improvement in cattle industry were duiscussed as well 本文就近來我國以黃牛改良為特點的肉牛業蓬勃發展現狀與存在問題,指出應處理好養牛經營形式千家萬戶與規模牛場相結合、黃牛肉用與肉役兼用相結合、黃牛改良選育與雜交、保種及利用相結合、高精料強度肥育與低精料適度育肥相結合等幾個問題;并就提高養牛經濟效益對提高繁殖成活率、充分利用雜種優勢、提高日增重的要求和影響規模牛場經濟效益的主要因素及如何提高養牛科技水平等問題提出探討。

Methods 24 crossbreed canine were alloted randomly into four groups : xylazole general anesthesia ( group i ) , ketamine general anesthesia ( group ii ) , combination anesthesia of xylazole and ketamine ( groupiii ) , epidural anesthesia with procaini hydrochloridi ( group iv ) 方法24只雜種土犬隨機分為4組:靜松靈麻醉組(組) 、鹽酸氯胺酮麻醉組(組) 、靜松靈與氯胺酮復合麻醉組(組) 、鹽酸普魯卡因硬膜外腔麻醉組(組) 。

That is because only large firms have been able to afford the supercomputers needed to mutate and crossbreed large virtual genomes ? and then simulate the behaviour of their offspring ? for perhaps 20m generations before the perfect design emerges 因為只有那些大公司才能負擔得起費用來使用必須由超級計算機來進行的對大型虛擬染色體進行變異和雜交- -以及隨后對這些染色體后代行為模擬- -在完美的設計浮現之前,可能需要經歷2000萬代。

That is because only large firms have been able to afford the supercomputers needed to mutate and crossbreed large virtual genomes ? and then simulate the behaviour of their offspring ? for perhaps 20m generations before the perfect design emerges 那是因為,一直以來僅有大型企業能負擔得起所必需的超級計算機,其用途是變化并雜交大型的虛擬基因組? ?接著模擬它們后代的行為方式? ?而可能要生成2000萬后代才能獲得完美的設計。

The last two columbia basin rabbits , both offspring of the original captured rabbits , are at the portland zoo . the fate of the isolated species now rests entirely in a crossbreeding program with the closely related idaho pygmy rabbit 而目前僅存的兩只雌性純種哥倫比亞盆地侏儒兔都是那些最初被捕獲的侏儒兔的后代,它們也生活在該動物園內。

Unlike the traditional crossbreeding of plants , genetic modification holds the potential for transferring specific traits without changing others , like the distinctive flavor of a pinot noir or chardonnay grape 和傳統的植物間雜交不同,遺傳修改的方法在移植某些特定性狀時,不會改變其它特性,就像能保留黑比諾或者夏敦埃葡萄酒特有的香味。

Efforts to impregnate the two purebred washington rabbits have been unsuccessful so far , he said . next month , biologists should know how many females are pregnant and how many crossbred babies will be born this year 下個月,生物學家就將得知,該計劃中有多少雌性侏儒兔已經懷孕以及今年將誕生多少雜交的兔寶寶。

20 crossbred beef cattle were divided into 2 groups in order to study the effects of chinese herb medicine additive on their performance and blood biochemical parameters 摘要選用20頭雜交架子牛,隨機分2組,研究日糧中添加中藥飼料添加劑對肉牛生產性能和血液指標的影響。

Although this kinds of drought - resistance germplasm have a low absolute yield , their fertility and stability of yield under drought and infertile condition preceded crossbreed 這類地方種質的絕對產量不高,但其穩產性和在干旱貧瘠條件下的豐產性優于雜交種。

It was soon obvious that the little german shepherd crossbreed would be a large dog - - , too large to continue sharing a doghouse with tex and the yellow cat 沒多久就看得出這只小德國雜種牧羊狗會長成一條大狗,大到不能再和特克斯及黃貓同享一間狗屋。

For species , adaptations to novel environments and the need to avoid crossbreeding with those on the other side of the split are both plausible hypotheses 對于物種,適應新環境的需要和避免與分化的另一方雜交都是貌似有理的假設。

The u . s . fish and wildlife service has already determined that the crossbred rabbits will count toward recovery of the columbia basin species 現在,哥倫比亞盆地侏儒兔的命運如何完全依靠于科學家們實施的一項雜交繁育計劃。

In addition , long juvenile period and late fruit are become primary restrictive factors in crossbreed and seed selection 另外,雜交育種和實生選種時,童期長、開花結果晚更是木本果樹品種改良的主要限制因素。

Genetic engineering techniques bypass crossbreeding barriers between species to enable gene transfer between widely differing organisms 遺傳工程可突破物種間的雜交繁殖障礙,使基因在自然界不同物種間遷移。

However , for litter size and litter weight at the age of 20d , crossbred duroc mated groups appeared superior to pure ones 但在20日齡窩仔數和窩重性狀上,雜種公豬優于純種公豬。

Changes of muscle fiber diameter and their relationships to meat quality in huai pig and its crossbreds 淮豬及雜交后代肌纖維直徑變化及其與肉質關系的研究

Discussion on population characteristics of pinus massoniana and pinus taiwanensis ' s natural crossbreeds 馬尾松與黃山松天然雜種種群特性探討