
crossbow 石弓,弩。


A crossbow arrow was fired into a soccer stadium , whistling past one of the players and forcing the amateur game to be called off . the game between woodley sports and alsager town in the unibond first division was abandoned in the 77th minute saturday after the referee noticed the bolt embedded in the field 在11月18日進行的一場英格蘭業余足球比賽中,有人突然從場外向球場內發射了一支弩箭,它緊貼著一名球員的身體呼嘯而過并最終迫使該場比賽提前結束。

Police today ( february 18 ) charged four men aged 17 to 21 with three counts of robbery . they were found on board a taxi in a snap check in sha tau kok at about 1 . 30 am yesterday ( february 17 ) during which two knives , a pistol - like - object , a crossbow and eight arrows were seized 警方昨日(二月十七日)凌晨一時三十分在沙頭角進行截查車輛時,在一輛的士上發現該四人,并搜獲兩柄利刀、一支類似手槍物體、一把弩和八支箭。

As a riot cop , dealing with all sorts of outburst incidents , being equipped with a weapon or two is going to be very necessary for you , but what advantage comes with using upgraded versions of the crossbows our ancestors had in controlling riots 作為特警,為了應付各種突發事件,多裝備一兩樣武器也是很有必要的,但將老祖宗們使用過的弓弩升級一下用于防暴,我不知道它具有什么優勢?

A metal practical middle and small hunting crossbow , which can shoot two - wing arrows , three - wing arrows and steel balls . 2 . it meets the demands of general hunting amateurs , outdoor travel and self - defense 江蘇新奇特商行強烈推薦: 1全金屬實用中小型狩獵弩,可以射擊兩翼箭,三翼箭和自動上彈的鋼珠。 2滿足一般狩獵愛好者狩獵,出外旅游,自我防衛使用。

A metal practical middle and small hunting crossbow , which can shoot two - wing arrows , three - wing arrows and steel balls . 2 . it meets the demands of general hunting amateurs , outdoor travel and self - defense 全金屬實用中小型狩獵弩,可以射擊兩翼箭,三翼箭和自動上彈的鋼珠。 2滿足一般狩獵愛好者狩獵,出外旅游,自我防衛使用。

Crossbow is leading the revolution for connecting the physical world with the digital world through wireless sensor networks as well as the use of mems technology in avionics , land and marine vehicle navigation 我們正在尋找兼具能力與活力并具有相關專業背景的人士加盟我們這個迅速發展和令人振奮的團體。

Crossbows are not clear exactly where and when they originated from , but there is undoubted evidence that it was used for military purposes from the second half of the 4th century bc onwards 但是有一點毋庸置疑的是從公元前4世紀后半葉起它通常不是作為軍事用途的。

Rangers wear medium armor and can use bows , crossbows , one hand slashing , one hand piercing , one hand blunt , hand to hand , and thrown weapons 游俠裝備中甲并可使用弓,十字弓,單手利器,單手穿刺,單手鈍器,赤手搏擊以及投擲武器。

Four men on board the taxi were arrested after two knives , a pistol - like object , a crossbow and eight arrows were found in their possession 人員在四名男乘客身上搜出兩柄刀、一支類似手槍物體、一把弩和八支箭后將他們拘捕。

This heavy crossbow was used by the forces of several different prime regimes to obliterate large numbers of enemy forces with relative ease 這柄重型十字弓被多個不同政權的軍隊使用,以便相對容易地消滅大批敵軍。

She has done over 100 commercials and is a wilhelmina model . she has also appeared in crossbow which she filmed in france and switzerland 除了演出不少電影之外,她也出現在許多電視廣告片之中,甚至也登上舞臺劇。

While the crossbow is relatively easy to use and quite powerful , it leaves the user quite vulnerable during the slow reload process 雖然弩容易使用且威力強大,但在緩慢的裝箭過程中使用者很容易受到攻擊。

Bows , crossbows , and slings bestow this ability upon their ammunition if the wielder makes the same power point payment 如果持用者支付同樣的靈能點,則弓、弩和投石器將此能力施加于其彈藥上。

Insert the hunting arrow from the front , and get the tail of the arrow pressed under the spring of the crossbow body 將狩獵箭自弩身頭部插入,弩機處彈簧片壓在箭尾翼處。

The crossbow is an excellent weapon for the militiaman , being easy to use , although slow to reload 弩對于民兵來說是極好的武器,雖然裝箭緩慢卻容易使用。

You arrive just in the nick of time to stop a drunken soldier from smashing his crossbow over a rock 你及時地阻止了一個酒醉的士兵把他的弩在巖石上摔碎。

Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow , and none more so then the genoese 意大利人因為熱愛十字弓而享譽世界,其中尤以熱那亞人為甚。

Some crossbows were made to shoot stones or lead bullets but generally they use bolts 一些十字弓可以發射石塊或者珠子,通常來說一般都是使用弓矢。

Crippling strike now occurs with ranged sneak attacks using bows , crossbows , and thrown weapons 錯骨在使用弓,弩,投擲武器的遠程偷襲可以發生。