
crossbones 〔pl.〕交叉的大腿骨〔通常畫在骷髏下,象征死亡〕。


Every lady in the audience was presented with a tasteful souvenir of the occasion in the shape of a skull and crossbones brooch , a timely and generous act which evoked a fresh outburst of emotion : and when the gallant young oxonian the bearer , by the way , of one of the most timehonoured names in albion s history placed on the finger of his blushing fiance an expensive engagement ring with emeralds set in the form of a fourleaved shamrock excitement knew no bounds 這一既合時宜慷慨的舉動重新激發了眾人的情緒。于是,這位善于向婦女獻殷勤的年輕的牛津大學畢業生順便提一下,他擁有阿爾比安229有史以來最享盛名的姓氏將一枚用幾顆綠寶石鑲成四葉白花酢漿草狀的名貴的訂婚戒指,套在他那忸怩得漲紅了臉的未婚妻手指上時,人們感到無比興奮。

And at the zenith of his fame , how he would suddenly appear at the old village and stalk into church , brown and weather - beaten , in his black velvet doublet and trunks , his great jack - boots , his crimson sash , his belt bristling with horse - pistols , his crime - rusted cutlass at his side , his slouch hat with waving plumes , his black flag unfurled , with the skull and crossbones on it , and hear with swelling ecstasy the whisperings , “ it s tom sawyer the pirate 只見他上身穿件黑色絨布緊身衣,下身是條寬大短褲,腳蹬肥大長統靴,還背著大紅肩帶,腰帶上掛著馬槍,身邊還別了把用損了的短劍。那頂垂邊的帽子上飄著翎毛,黑旗迎風招展,上面交叉著骷髏頭和白骨。聽到別人悄聲低語: “這就是海盜湯姆索亞西班牙海面上的黑衣俠盜! ”

Richie goulding , three ladies hats pinned on his head , appears weighted to one side by the black legal bag of collis and ward on which a skull and crossbones are painted in white limewash 公文包太重,使他的身子往一邊墜。打開一看,滿是半熟的干香腸,熏曹白魚芬頓63黑線鱈和裹得嚴嚴實實的藥丸。

Next night we stuck a picture , which tom drawed in blood , of a skull and crossbones on the front door ; and next night another one of a coffin on the back door 一位不相識的朋友第二天晚上,我們把湯姆蘸血畫的骷髏底下交叉著白骨的一幅畫貼在大門上。再下一個晚上,把畫了一付棺材的畫貼在后門口。

I turned in on , and . . . i don ' t know . i just have this skull and crossbones picture on my screen 我開機,然后. . .我不知道。屏幕上就出現了這個骷髏圖。

My lrwin had a skull and crossbones that i drew on his stomach 我在我的厄爾文肚子上畫了骷髏頭和交叉的骨頭

They stamped a skull and crossbones on the labels of poisonous drugs 他們在毒藥標簽上打上骷髏圖。

My computer ' s got a skull and crossbones on the screen 我的電腦屏幕上有幅骷髏圖。