
crossbeam 大梁,橫桁。


The jdf - 2 type case hanging basket guards against automatically falls mainly uses in the direct motor drive hoisting mechanical well type case hanging basket , as the type case hanging basket using of safekeeping of security , it installs in the hanging basket crossbeam both sides , along including guide rail is rising and falling , when the motor drive type case hanging basket in the fluctuation process , meets overweight , overspeed , steel wire attrition and other reasons creates the hoisting cable or the junction device snaps suddenly , when under hanging basket weightlessness falls , guards against falls can automatic brake , thus achieved avoids falling the basket to offend somebody Jdf - 2型井字架吊籃自動防墜器主要用于由電動機驅動的卷揚機井字架吊籃,作為井字架吊籃的安全保護之用,它安裝在吊籃橫梁的兩側,沿含著導軌升降,當由電動機驅動的井字架吊籃在升降過程中,遇超重超速鋼絲繩磨損等原因而造成提升鋼絲繩或連接裝置突然破斷,吊籃失重下墜時,防墜器能自動剎車,從而達到避免墜籃傷人重大事故發生的目的。

Many stations of tamshui line are pieces of fine art . modern materials are used all over at elevated stations to express the spirit of chinese traditional architecture . for instance , carved picket windows made by stainless steel and wood crossbeam brackets made by steel show the unique among roofs , which were decorated with suspended mountains or rolled up 捷運淡水線很多車站本身即是藝術品,高架段的車站多以現代材料反應中國傳統建筑的意象,例如:以不銹鋼做出格柵花窗的感覺以鋼材做出斗拱的意象,再配上或懸山或卷棚的屋頂造型,以同中求異。

For inspecting the assembly holes of crossbeams on an industrial spot , a method based on computer image processing is adopted , many images were collected by a ccd industrial camera , holes were inspected and recognized automatically by using proper disposing and analyzing algorithms such as image matching , threshold segmentation , feature extraction , pattern recognition and so forth 摘要采用一種基于計算機圖像處理的方法,對由ccd攝像機采集到的多幅圖像,結合圖像拼接、閾值分割、特征提取和模式識別等算法進行處理和分析,最終實現了對大梁裝配孔質量的自動識別。

It is necessary to study the construction technology of concrete cable bent towers . the dissertation introduces construction sequence , construction methods ( supporter construction , slip - form construction , climbing formwork and turn - over formwork construction ) , anti - overturning measures of the tilted tower , crossbeams “ construction and its bracing structure 本文主要介紹了混凝土塔柱的施工順序、施工方法(支架法、滑模法、爬模法和翻模法) 、傾斜塔柱的施工抗傾措施、橫梁施工及支撐系統。

The fea model of a novel cylinder action hydraulic press has been established in commercialized software ansys by adopting coupling dofs to simulate the sliding link in the frame with analysis and calculation of the stress and the displacement of the crossbeam and the column when the frame was under centric uniform distributed load and eccentric distributed load 摘要在商品化軟件ansys中,建立了一種新型壓力機整機的有限元模型,運用節點耦合的方法模擬滑動連接,隨后分析計算了機架承受均布載荷及偏載時橫梁和立柱的受力與變形。

In allusion to section modality and transverse joint of common span bridges , we choose two kinds of calculating theories in transverse distributing calculate process : the theory of rigidity crossbeam and the theory of hinged girder and slab . making the use of the theory of optimized design , i constitute mathematics model and choose appropriate calculated method . and find the form and detail dimension of section when beams of the bridge satisfy bending moment ^ shearing force and torsional moment 在用橫向分布理論計算單梁扭矩過程中,針對現有常用跨徑橋梁的截面形式和橫向連接狀況,選取了兩種計算理論:剛性橫梁法和鉸接梁(板)法,利用結構優化設計原理,建立主梁承載力的數學模型,選擇合適的優化計算方法,得出在滿足彎剪扭承載力要求時主梁的細部尺寸。

The tower shafts , most of which are hollow and varying in cross section , and altitudinal construction bring trouble to the form work and the stress of strand wire . and the cracks on the crossbeams will be caused by the following - deformation of the bracing structure joints , elastic deformation , uneven settlement and temperature changes . the additional stress of the base slab and the foundation is caused by the deviation of cable bent tower construction 但大跨度橋梁混凝土索塔施工設備進場及現場管理都比較困難;塔柱多為空心變截面,且為高空作業,給模板工程及預應力張拉帶來一定困難;支撐系統連接的間隙變形、彈性變形、不均勻沉降以及環境溫差可導致橫梁裂縫;索塔施工偏位會引起的承臺和基礎的附加應力,對加勁梁的架設影響大;懸吊結構未完體系(架設時)施工階段的風致振動往往影響到施工的安全和質量;實心塔柱部分體積較大,易產生溫度裂縫。

The dissertation presents a new design approach of hierarchy optimization to design the crossbeam . the layout optimization of structure is carried out to get a comparatively reasonable primary conceptual design . the conceptual design is modified according to our experience to answer for the practical situation 以這兩種概念結構為模型,結合工程實際情況設計了初始方案的兩種橫梁結構,找到對橫梁結構影響最大的載荷位置,并對此載荷位置的橫梁進行結構參數優化。

It also has important reference value for the similar construction . by the safety and seismic evaluation of this aqueduct bridge , it has shown that ( 1 ) besides the structure of this aqueduct bridge was basically unharmed without some flake of concrete cover and revealing stirrup , its intensity basically reached the need of primary design . ( 2 ) from the side of carrying capacity , rib arch could satisfy the needs under the action of wind and earthquake , but some individual frame crossbeams and most rib arch tie beams could n ' t satisfy the need 通過對東滑峪渡槽進行安全性能和抗震性能評估后表明: ( 1 )渡槽除肋拱頂面有保護層剝落、箍筋外露,結構基本完好,其強度基本達到西安理工大學工程碩士專業學位論文原設計的強度要求; ( 2 )從承載力方面看,在風荷載、地震作用下,肋拱基本滿足要求,個別排架橫梁不滿足要求,肋拱連系梁普遍不滿足要求;計入水平橫槽向地震作用的工況為設計控制工況。

The long corridor twists and turns its way . it is a colorful gallery . on the beams and crossbeams , there are traditional chinese paintings . most of the human figures come from chinese literary classics such as “ a dream of the red mansions “ “ journey to the west “ , “ romance of the three kingdom “ and so on 長廊蜿蜒曲折,移步換景,是一條五彩畫廊,每根梁枋上都繪有蘇式彩畫,人物故事大多出自中國古典文學名著《紅樓夢》 、 《西游記》 、 《三國演義》等。

J53 - 1600c model split - body machine frame is mainly composed of base frame , crossbeam , upright post 2 pieces , pull rod 4 pieces , pull rod nut 8 pieces , etc , weighing 58 tons . j53 - 1600a model integrated body weighs 42 tons and other parts weigh the same as j53 - 1600c model J53 - 1600c型分體機架主要由底座橫梁立柱兩件拉桿四件拉桿螺母八件等組成重量58噸j53 - 1600a型整體機身重量42噸,其它部分重量兩種產品相同。

Before the sizing optimization the position of the column that affects the crossbeam most is found out . then by means of sizing optimization design the optimal structure is confirmed . then the crossbeam is ameliorated again to satisfy the project situation 通過對初始方案兩種橫梁的優化結果及動力學分析,本文進行了改進方案的橫梁結構設計及參數優化設計,得到了質量和剛度分布更加合理的橫梁結構。

Crossbeam and bodywork together with make up of the close orbicular space , it makes the passenger car of chassis and bodywork bear the weight , to the fluctuate concussion with outside , and the passenger car could provide enough the ability of burthen 如欲轉載請注明轉載自: “ http : www . chinabuses . com “關于本站網站地圖廣告服務友情鏈接合作聯系意見反饋版權所有2000 - 2002 ,中國客車網信息產業部

Track planning system of electron beam welding has been applied to weld production of aluminous crossbeam part successfully , and practical results show that this system can shorten development periods , and improve quality of production 電子束焊接的運動軌跡規劃系統已經成功地應用到了鋁橫梁零件的焊接生產中,運行結果表明該軟件系統縮短了產品開發周期,提高了產品質量。

Finally , based on the structure of the south cable bent tower and the construction technology of the jiangyin bridge , the computation of the bridge ' s crossbeam bracing structure is carried out and an analysis of the computation ' s results is also made 最后,根據江陰大橋南索塔結構和施工工藝,進行了橫梁支撐體系實例計算,并對結果進行了分析。

It is a three - hall building and the second hall is the place for worshipping the clan s ancestors . its wall and door are decorated with rare rocks , and the crossbeams and brackets are finely carved 祖祠門墻用珍貴的紅粉石疊砌而成,橫梁和斗拱飾以精致雕刻,還有石灣制的瓷鰲和獅子裝飾,甚富傳統色彩。

On the base of the link ways of each member joint , the dissertation also puts forth a method to simplify the crossbeam bracing structure into spatial truss , spatial stiff frame and spatial combined structure 橫梁支撐體系根據各桿件結點的連接方式,多簡化為空間桁架、空間剛架或空間組合結構。

The crossbeams of the long corridor are decorated with more than 8 , 000 color paintings with chinese landscape and historical stories as their themes 長廊的梁枋繪有8000多幅風景人物故事的彩畫,使游人更能細細尋味。

In order to control the stiffness and reduce the mass of the crossbeam it is important to optimize the crossbeam 本文介紹了課題產生的背景和意義,概述了結構拓撲優化的國內外研究現狀。