
crossbar 閂,橫木;橫臂;十字管,四通;【橄欖球】決勝柱的橫木。


So we studied a special structure of crossbar in this thesis , which was called as the buffered - crossbar that can support the switching of variable length packets directly 因此,本文將研究一種特殊結構的crossbar交換背板技術? ?具有節點緩存能力的crossbar結構,以支持對變長分組的直接交換。

Tied 1 - 1 after extra time , the italians won a penalty shoot - out when a frenchman ( who ironically plays for an italian club , juventus ) hit the crossbar 加時賽后雙方1比1戰平,點球決戰中一名法國隊員(具有諷刺意味的是,該隊員效力于意大利的尤文圖斯俱樂部)擊中橫梁,意大利人獲勝。

This paper describes architecture of buffered crossbar working directly on variable length packet . chapter 3 presents the simulation result , and analysis the influence of the queue length 典型的多級交換結構如banyan , shuffle , benes , clos以及由這些結構擴展出來的各種交換結構。

Kalinichenko looked up and launched a dipping shot onto the top of the crossbar then shevchenjo twice had sight of goal before being crowded out by defenders 卡里尼琴科抬頭看了一眼來了一腳吊射,球擊中門楣上沿,舍甫琴科有兩次得球的機會,但他很快陷入對方后防線包圍。

It introduces the architecture of the switch , hol , delay control , vlan and spanning - tree algorithm , and crossbar backplane and store - and - forward technology 介紹了線頭阻塞、時延控制、虛擬局域網和生成樹算法等概念以及交換機的交換矩陣和共享存儲器等關鍵技術。

Mexico were again unlucky in the 55th minute when fernando arce split the argentina defence and found nery castillo , whose shot hit the crossbar 阿根廷在第15分鐘終于打破僵局,里克爾梅再次傳球給海因策,他用左腳打出一季弧線球越過了門將桑切斯。

Parma midfielder rosina was particularly lively and his cross was met by donadel ' s header , forcing larsen into a save with the aid of the crossbar 帕爾馬的中場羅西納非常活躍,他的傳中被多納代爾頂到,一個標準橫梁的球給拉爾森造成了非常大的壓力

Chelsea came out for the second with renewed vigour and tiago volleyed over the crossbar from the edge of the area on 55 minutes 缺少了邊路好手達夫和羅本,切爾西失去了真正的威脅。上半場切爾西唯一打正球門的是一開場蘭帕德的那腳遠射。

The switch backplane can be constructed by bus , shared memory and crossbar . and the crossbars are used more commonly in large switching systems 其中的交換背板可以是總線結構、共享緩存結構,或是更適用于大交換容量的crossbar結構。

A batten had just been lowered , and the group of gaslights high up among its iron crossbars illuminated the stage with a wide beam of light 他們剛把布景照明燈放下來,這排煤氣燈外面都罩著鐵絲網,吊在高處時可向舞臺灑下一大片亮光。

In our case , the demultiplexer is a special type of crossbar in which many nanowires connect to a small number of conventional wires 在我們的例子里,這個解多工器是一種特殊的交叉桿,里頭有許多條奈米導線接到少量的傳統導線上。

With the continued increase in density of vlsi , sufficient buffering at crossbar crosspoint for one cell or packet has become feasible to implement 在crossbar的交叉節點設置緩存,這樣構成了bufferedcrossbar ,即cicq結構。

What was needed was some way to connect each pair of intersecting wires in the crossbar with a switch that could be turned on and off at will 我們要做的是得在交叉桿里,每個導線交叉處連結一個開關,并且可以隨意開關。

From the third , shevchenko ' s header was blocked on the line by ahmed dokhi and rebrov blazed the rebound over the crossbar 在前場,舍甫琴科的頭球在球門線上被杜希擋住,雷布羅夫大力射出一個反彈球,可惜球越過了門楣。

The philosophy behind the nanoscale crossbar is that we must learn to live with its unavoidable imperfections and work around them 奈米交叉桿背后的哲學思考是,我們得學著和無法避免的缺陷為鄰,并試著避開它們。

Han ' s header in the 75th was batted over the goal by bindon , followed by a shot a minute later from ma xiaoxu that hit the crossbar 第75分鐘,韓端頭球攻門,被賓頓托出橫梁。短短一分鐘后,馬曉旭射門擊中橫梁。

The goal came on 12 minutes when the brazilian star took on francesco pratali before firing a thunderous shot under the crossbar 這個進球發生在12分鐘,巴西明星晃過了普拉塔利然后一記雷霆射門從門楣下入網。

Heath pointed out that a crossbar “ looked like a crystal ” and that it should therefore be possible to build such a system chemically 希斯指出,交叉桿看起來像個晶體,因此應該可以用化學的方法建造。

Li ming : oh , what a shame , our midfielder placed a header just over the crossbar . how if he could have managed a bit lower 李明:喔,多遺憾,我們的中場隊員一記頭球打在門柱上,要是能夠射低一點該多好。