
cross n.1.十字架;〔the C-〕 耶穌受刑的十字架。2....

cross action

He certainly was not prepared to cross himself . 他當然不準備在自己身上畫十字。

Everyone has his own cross to bear in his life . 每個人一生中都有苦難需要承擔。

A cross slope of one in fifty is usually enough . 通常150的橫向坡度就已足夠。

The mett cross section applies to a point scatterer . 莫脫截面適用于點散射體。

The step-father will be there, and he is so cross . 繼父要來的,他是那么兇狠。

The cross street seemed clear . 交叉路口看來沒有車輛來往。

They were both a bit cross with each other . 他倆互相埋怨。

A pet lamb will make a cross ram . 一只寵壞了的小羊他日會成為一只蠻橫的大羊。

I crossed restlessly to the window . 我心神不定地來到窗前。

Crossing bars occur between successive bends . 過渡段淺灘發生在連續河灣之間。

I hope i never cross her path again . 我希望我不會再遇見她。

He crossed the brook in one big jump . 他一個縱步跳過了小河。

I saw him do it : cross my heart . 我看見他干的,我可以發誓。

He crossed the garden in three leaps . 他跳三步就跨過了花園。

An irritated look crossed pug's face . 帕克馬上露出不快之色。

It makes me cross and my hand get so stiff . 它使我煩躁。我的手變得那么硬。

Don't trust him any more. he is a double crosser . 不要再信他,他是個騙子。

I was so good to him; i never crossed him . 我對他那么慈愛,從來不違拗他。

They used to donate to the red cross every year . 他們每年捐錢給紅十字會。