
croquette n.〔法語〕 炸丸子,炸肉餅。


The main products of the plant are octopus ball , octopus cube , all kinds of breaded fish and shrimp , squid fillet , squid flower shape , squid croquette and many dried species 工場主要產品有:章魚燒,章魚丁,各類面包粉系列產品,面包粉蝦仁,面包粉魚片,魚魚片,魷魚花,魷魚飯團,及各種烘干水產品等。

A patty of chopped meat or fish , usually coated with bread crumbs and fried ; a flat croquette 炸肉餅一種用剁碎的肉或魚制成的小餡餅,通過外裹面包屑煎炸而成;不加佐料的炸丸子

Middle eastern ) small croquette of mashed chick peas or fava beans seasoned with sesame seeds (中東)小的炸肉餅,摻有搗碎的小雞豌豆或蠶豆,用芝麻籽調味。

Croquette 3 flavour 飯團三種口味

Deep - fried veal croquettes 炸小牛肉圓

Deep - fried salmon croquette 炸三文魚餅

Emerald - jade beef croquettes 翡翠牛肉丸

Potato and spinach croquettes 法式炸馬鈴薯菠菜肉餅

Hotdog ball 4 flavour croquette 3 flavour 飯團三種口味