
croquet n.【體育】(戶外)槌球。


I don t think they play at all fairly , alice began , in rather a complaining tone , and they all quarrel so dreadfully one can t hear oneself speak - and they don t seem to have any rules in particular ; at least , if there are , nobody attends to them - and you ve no idea how confusing it is all the things being alive ; for instance , there s the arch i ve got to go through next walking about at the other end of the ground - and i should have croqueted the queen s hedgehog just now , only it ran away when it saw mine coming 還有,你簡直想象不到,所有的東西都是活的。真討厭。譬如說,我馬上就要把球打進球門,而那個球門卻散步去了再加我正要用自己的球碰王后的刺猾球,哼,它一見我的球來撒腿就跑掉啦! ”

She generally gave herself very good advice , though she very seldom followed it , and sometimes she scolded herself so severely as to bring tears into her eyes ; and once she remembered trying to box her own ears for having cheated herself in a game of croquet she was playing against herself , for this curious child was very fond of pretending to be two people 她經常愛給自己下個命令雖然她很少聽從這種命令,有時甚至把自己罵哭了。記得有一次她同自己比賽槌球,由于她騙了自己,她就打了自己一記耳光,這個小孩很喜歡裝成兩個人, “但是現在還裝什么兩個人呢? ”

The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with another hedgehog , which seemed to alice an excellent opportunity for croqueting one of them with the other : the only difficulty was , that her flamingo was gone across to the other side of the garden , where alice could see it trying in a helpless sort of way to fly up into a tree 她的刺猬正同另一只刺猬打架,愛麗絲認為這真是用一只刺猬球去打中另一個刺猬球的好機會,可是她的紅鶴卻跑掉了,愛麗絲看到它正在花園的那邊,在徒勞地向樹上飛。

Alice thought she had never seen such a curious croquet - ground in her life ; it was all ridges and furrows ; the balls were live hedgehogs , the mallets live flamingoes , and the soldiers had to double themselves up and to stand on their hands and feet , to make the arches 愛麗絲想,可還從來沒見過這樣奇怪的槌球游戲呢?球場到處都是坎坷不平的,槌球是活刺猬,槌球棒是活紅鶴紅鶴: phoenicopterus科,趾間有蹼,因種不同羽色各異,有紅灰等色。

Included in the rate , however , are all meals ( including vegetarian options ) and beverages ( alcoholic or non ) , a personal golf or tennis coach , as well as a personal trainer , laundry service , unlimited activities like sea kayaking and croquet , and two scuba dives per day 該俱樂部規矩底線的居住時間為5天,收費中包括所有的餐飲、高爾夫、網球教練、衣物清洗以同槌球、獨木舟和每天兩次的潛水活動費用價錢價錢。

Included in the rate , however , are all meals ( including vegetarian options ) and beverages ( alcoholic or non ) , a personal golf or tennis coach , as well as a personal trainer , laundry service , unlimited activities like sea kayaking and croquet , and two scuba dives per day 該俱樂部規定最低的居住時間為5天,收費中包含所有的餐飲、高爾夫、網球教練、衣物清洗以及槌球、獨木舟和每天兩次的潛水活動費用。

Included in the rate , however , are all meals ( including vegetarian optio ) and beverages ( alcoholic or non ) , a personal golf or te is coach , as well as a personal trainer , laundry service , unlimited activities like sea kayaking and croquet , and two scuba dives per day 該俱樂部規定最低的居住時間為5天,收費中包含所有的餐飲、高爾夫、網球教練、衣物清洗以及槌球、獨木舟和每天兩次的潛水活動費用。

The fish - footman began by producing from under his arm a great letter , nearly as large as himself , and this he handed over to the other , saying , in a solemn tone , for the duchess . an invitation from the queen to play croquet 魚仆人從胳膊下面拿出一封很大的信,這信幾乎有他身子那么大,然后把信遞給那一個,同時還用嚴肅的聲調說: “致公爵夫人:王后邀請她去玩槌球。 ”

In addition to a spring - fed swimming pool , the resort also features a big swimming pool , an archery range , croquet lawn , squash , miniature golf , fitness center , and many other athletic facilities , all of which are available for a fee 除了溫泉游泳池,天籟還有大型游泳池,射箭槌球回力球迷你高爾夫球及韻律教室等運動設施供付費使用。

Let s go on with the game , the queen said to alice ; and alice was too much frightened to say a word , but slowly followed her back to the croquet - ground “現在咱們再去玩槌球吧。 ”王后對愛麗絲說。愛麗絲嚇得不敢吭氣,只得慢慢地跟著她回到槌球場。

The duchess said to alice , flinging the baby at her as she spoke . i must go and get ready to play croquet with the queen , and she hurried out of the room 公爵夫人一邊對愛麗絲說,一邊就把小孩扔給她, “我要同王后玩鏈球去了,得準備一下。 ”

An invitation for the duchess to play croquet . then they both bowed low , and their curls got entangled together 然后他們倆都深深地鞠了個躬,這使得他們的假發纏在一起了。

Croquet was highly popular at this time , and the smooth croquet courts proved readily adaptable for tennis 在那時,槌球很受歡迎,并且槌球的場地直接可以用來玩網球。

Call it what you like , said the cat . do you play croquet with the queen to - day “你怎么說都行, ”貓說, “你今天同王后玩槌球嗎? ”

The queen s croquet - ground 王后的槌球場

The queen wants to play croquet 王后想玩槌球。

An old woman with a croquet mallet could play this hole in three 拿著槌球棒的老太太都可以3桿打完這一洞

No baseball 、 softball 、 golf 、 croquet or similar sport allowed 禁止打棒球、壘球、高爾夫球、槌球等。

All england lawn tennis and croquet club 全英草地網球和門球俱樂部