
cropper n.1.種植者;(以收成一部分作佃租的)佃農。2.刈割者...


At first , this research summarizes and analyzes the natural zoology conditions , such as district ’ s boundary , geography position , climate characteristics , geologic and appearance , soil , vegetation and so on , social economy , the whole developing situation of the stockbreeding in the yellow river delta area . the result is : the yellow river delta is the area with a specific zoology system and rich natural resource . the proper geological environment , favorable climate conditions offer the advantaged conditions for the growing of pasture and feedstuff , the big superficial natural and artificial grass land and a large number of cropper straws establish a good material base for the vegetarian especially for sheep 1 、通過對黃河三角洲地區的區域界定、地理位置、氣候特征、地質地貌、土壤植被等自然生態條件,以及社會經濟狀況、畜牧業整體發展情況進行分析,結果表明:黃河三角洲是一個具有獨特生態系統和豐富自然資源的地區,該區特有的地質環境、良好的氣候條件為牧草及飼料作物的生長提供了有利條件,大面積的天然草場和人工草場以及大量的農作物秸稈為食草家畜,特別是羊的大發展奠定了良好的物質基礎。

This article aimed to study how to improve the utilization of the water resources by applying the technology of filtration irrigation to the plowland croppers in the hills area of loess tableland 本題目研究的目的是在黃土高原丘陵區研究大田農作物應用節水滲灌技術來提高其對水資源的利用效率。

Is mainly used for beading of the gyral wall 0 . 5 - 0 . 9 of stainless steel or cropper made metal wares Jy325 - 130內卷邊機主要用于不銹鋼銅等外形為回轉體的薄壁0 . 5 - 0 . 9金屬器皿的卷邊。

Investment is a hazardous business ; even those who are in the swim sometimes come a cropper 投資是一項風險事業,就是那些懂行的人有時也會栽跟頭。

Research on six - pole machine of manpower driving disc cropper 驅動圓盤式人力收割機六桿驅動機構的研究

That way he ' ll come a cropper sooner 這樣的話,他徹底失敗的時間更快。

He got a cropper yesterday while out riding 他昨天出外騎馬時跌了一跤。

Design of a shoulder - hang type sugarcane cropper 肩背式甘蔗收割機的設計

It may subsequently become a weak grower and a distinctly biennial cropper . 隨后會引起樹勢衰弱,明顯兩年結一次果。