
crop circle 作物怪圈〔指1990年出現于英國的作物呈環形倒狀的一種神...


Roving reporter cindy campbell sets out to find a hard news story in the middle of television sweeps . she soon uncovers an outrageous onslaught of globe - threatening developments including alien invaders , killer videotapes , freaky crop circles , prophecies of the one , eerie - eyed children , ambitious white rappers and even a run - in with michael jackson . faced with conspiracies of massive proportions , and a crew of very strange people following her around , cindy must fight to stop evil from taking over the world yet again 身作全面大搜查,爭取獨家猛料,她先后深入調查白8里公路白人rapper與電視節目全美偶像之一夜成名鮮為人知的幕后真相,再單人匹馬,采訪驚兆中的麥田圖案事件,卷入一宗外星人侵襲地球陰謀,更發現原來麥田主人開罪了外星人,令家中呈現不速之嚇似曾相識的驚嚇情形。

The language of one is brought forth as crop circle definitions that are made available unto ascending initiates by the great central sun for the purposes of transcendence 全一之語以麥田怪圈的解說來展示,由偉大的中樞太陽以提升目的讓提升者們來獲得。

The language of one is brought forth as crop circle definitions that are made available unto ascending initiates by the great central sun for the purposes of transcendence 全一之語是作為麥田圈的描述而由大中樞太陽帶給提升者的,以達到超越的目的。

The language of one section has been more recently introduced and offers holographic energy flow in the form of crop circle interpretations “全一之語” [中譯文]部分在更近期的時候推介出來,以麥田怪圈釋義的形式提供了全息能量流。

The modern crop circle 1 ) phenomenon began in 1980 , although there are reports of similar phenomena from as early as the seventeenth century 現代的谷田圓形圖案現象肇始于1980年,然而早在十七世紀時便有類似現象的報導。

In 1991 , 10 ) aging british wwii 11 ) veterans doug bower and dave chorley 12 ) confessed to making most of the crop circles 1991年,年邁的英國二次大戰老兵道格?鮑爾和大衛?柯利兩人坦承大部份的麥田圈都是他們做出來的。

The world ' s first three - dimensional crop circle has been discovered deep in the english countryside , sparking the start of the corn circle season 世界首個三維麥田怪圈現身英國偏遠鄉村,點燃了麥田怪圈旺季。

The language of one section has just been introduced and offers holographic energy flow in the form of crop circle interpretations “全一之語(中譯文) ”部分剛剛推出,提供了麥田怪圈釋義形式的全息能量流。

People who study crop circles declared the designs were so flawless and precisely produced that human couldn ' t have possibley made them 麥田圈研究者宣稱,這些圖案如此無懈可擊、制作精準,不可能是人為的。

They were certainly a 7 ) genuine 8 ) mystery , unless , that is , you believe crop circles are simply 9 ) manmade works of art 這些圓圈絕對稱得上是真正的謎團… …除非您相信麥田圈只不過是人造的藝術品罷了。

The language of one section has just been introduced and offers holographic energy flow in the form of crop circle interpretations “全一之語”部分剛剛推出,以麥田怪圈釋義的形式提供了全息能量流。

The language of one section has just been introduced and offers holographic energy flow in the form of crop circle interpretations “全一之語”部分剛剛推出,提供了麥田怪圈釋義形式的全息能量流。

Crop circles are static images of holographic movement that earth is ascending into at this time of global evolution 麥田怪圈是在此全球進化之時,地球提升入全息運動的靜態圖案。

The crop circles usually appear in the spring and summer in the 2 ) grain fields west and southwest of london 這些谷田圓形圖案通常在春、夏時節出現于倫敦西方與西南方的谷田中。

Some crop circles are electrical or radioactive , and these will have straight lines or edges or angles unto them 某些麥田怪圈是電的和輻射性的,將帶有直線、直邊或平角。

Crop circles are static pictures of key codes and fire letters emanating through photonic sources 麥田怪圈是透過光子源而散發的鑰匙編碼(即關鍵編碼)和火焰字母。

They ' re called crop circles , but the shapes were often more complex than simple circles 雖然稱為麥田圈,但其形狀通常比單純的圓圈更復雜。

Such crop circles are from other great central suns and are their languages 這樣的麥田怪圈是由其他大中樞太陽帶來,是他們的語言。

Nowadays , companies are even using crop circles in their advertising campaigns 現今,甚至公司行號也以麥田圈作為他們的廣告手法。