
crop n.1.農作物,莊稼;收獲;收成;〔the crops〕...

crop circle

The wheat crop had been gathered in before the storm came . 暴風雨到來之前小麥已經收完了。

Crops are growing luxuriantly . 莊稼長勢旺盛。

If it crosses cultivated fields it may damage the crops . 要是它穿越農田,可能會損壞莊稼。

The crops are coming on nicely . 莊稼長得很好。

The sun scorched the crops . 太陽把莊稼曬枯了。

The storm ruined the crops . 暴風雨毀壞了莊稼。

To ensure a good crop the soil had to be turned over twice . 要保證收成好,地要翻耕兩遍。

Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry regions . 干旱地區需要灌溉才能使作物生長。

He looked carefully to see how the crops were coming along . 他仔細察看了莊稼的生長情況。

This is the situation for pot plant and bedding crops . 這就是盆栽植物和花壇植物的情況。

The crops are growing very well . 莊稼長得很旺。

Crops are very scanty this year . 今年收成極少。

The beans cropped well this year . 今年豆子豐收。

This decline is soon reflected in the yield of crops . 這種下降馬上反映到作物產量上。

Wheat , rape and other crops are grown in the fields . 地里種著小麥、油菜及其他作物。

This land yields heavy crops . 這塊地的產量非常高。

The rain spoiled the hay crop . 這場雨使牧草遭殃了。

Tea is the staple crop here . 本地產品以茶葉為大宗。

They irrigated their crops with water from this river . 他們用這條小河里的水澆莊稼。