
croon vi.低聲歌唱,低吟,哼(歌曲)。vt.1.低唱[哼]。...


While an elvis impersonator crooned christmas songs , cameras flashed , and santa claus listened to wishes from children , claxton and a helper used a yellow tape measure and a long red level to size up the sock . for a stocking to qualify , it had to be made with traditional materials and be filled with presents 當克拉克斯頓及一個助手用一件黃色卷尺和一個長的紅色水平儀對這只襪子進行測量時,現場有一位貓王模仿者低聲吟唱著圣誕歌曲,人們紛紛舉起了手中的照相機,而圣誕老人則在細心傾聽孩子們的各種愿望。

A western jazz pianist takes requests , then croons out standards , and late at night , the deserted , beautiful mall next door is a strangely haunting backdrop , as if you ' re illicitly drinking , after hours , inside a place you ' re not meant to be 受到邀請,一位西部爵士樂鋼琴家低聲歌唱?到了晚上,附近那美觀但已人去樓空的購物廣場仿佛一幕詭異而氤氳的背景,如果你喝酒太多,不出幾個小時,可能你會發現自己到了一個并不想到的地方。

Western jazz pianist takes requests , then croons out standards , and late at night , the deserted , beautiful mall next door is a strangely haunting backdrop , as if you ' re illicitly drinking , after hours , inside a place you ' re not meant to be 受到邀請,一位西部爵士樂鋼琴家低聲歌唱?到了晚上,附近那美觀但已人去樓空的購物廣場仿佛一幕詭異而氤氳的背景,如果你喝酒太多,不出幾個小時,可能你會發現自己到了一個并不想到的地方。

She would often croon a favorite ballad of mme lerat s , which was full of flowers and birds . the song would melt her to tears , and she would break off in order to clasp georges in a passionate embrace and to extract from him vows of undying affection 她經常吟唱勒拉太太教她的一首抒情歌曲,歌詞盡是花兒鳥兒的,她感動得流下淚花,她不唱時,就熱情地把喬治緊緊地摟在懷里,要他發誓永遠愛她。

Melting the audience with his trademark soft , deep vocals , the effortlessly dashing and distinguished singer capped off his long career in style with a night of nostalgic crooning and classic canto - pop . the hkpo x chris wong - a night to remember 書劍采用了乾隆是漢人的傳說,借乾隆這個人物,寫出了既得權力和民族仇恨之間的矛盾,在表達這一點意念上,獲得成功。

Mentally audible : fully 30 % of psionic weapons telepathically mutter , croon , recite battle poems , scream , or produce other mental “ noises ” when first drawn , at first blood , or when they slay a significant enemy 心靈可聞:至少30 %的靈能武器在第一次出鞘、第一次見血或干掉一個重要敵人時會以心靈感應方式嘀咕、低吟、背戰詩、尖叫或產生其他心靈“噪聲” 。

Here i heard myself apostrophised as a hard little thing ; and it was added , any other woman would have been melted to marrow at hearing such stanzas crooned in her praise 這時我聽見他稱我為“心如鐵石的小東西, ”并且又加了一句“換了別的女人,聽了這樣的贊歌,心早就化了。 ”

Marguerite rang again , then she turned back to the piano and began quietly crooning a squalid song ? without making any mistakes in the accompaniment 瑪格麗特又拉了拉鈴,然后她又坐到鋼琴前彈奏,嘴里曼聲低吟著一首輕佻的歌。

“ it ' s all right , boy , ” becky crooned . “ don ' t be afraid . that ' s my mama , and she loves you , too “沒關系,寶貝天龍八部門派”貝基輕柔地安慰他。 “不要害怕,那是我的媽媽,她也愛你。 ”

“ it ' s all right , boy , ” becky crooned . “ don ' t be afraid . that ' s my mama , and she loves you , too “沒關系,寶貝, ”貝基輕柔地安慰他。 “不要害怕,那是我的媽媽,她也愛你。 ”

Clich d as the theme of this ballad may seem , it is not just another silly love song to croon to 情歌的主題也許看來老套,但是它絕對不是另一首愚蠢的芭樂情歌。

New york native and pop singer billy joel even crooned about a “ new york state of mind “ 紐約本地人兼流行歌手比利?喬爾甚至低聲吟唱出一首所謂的“紐約心態” 。

Through the sadness of all things i hear the crooning of the eternal mother 從萬物的愁苦中,我聽見了“永恒母親”的呻吟。

On grey mornings of rain i have crooned many an idle song 在細雨霏霏的清晨,我吟唱過許多閑散的歌謠

The mother crooned her baby to sleep 母親低聲哼著哄嬰兒入睡。

The audience even crooned to the rhythm of the songs 臺下的聽眾跟著歌聲低聲吟唱。

The engines crooned mellifluously as mcwatt throttled back to loiter and allow the rest of the planes in his flight to catch up . 發動機低聲哼著甜蜜的調子,麥克沃特減低了速度,慢吞吞地往前飛,好讓隊里的其他飛機跟上來。

The mother was crooning a lullaby to her baby ... 母親正對著嬰兒哼著搖籃曲。