
crook n.1.(河道等的)彎曲(部)。2.鉤;壺鉤;鍋鉤;曲把...


Crooked skirt swinging , whack by . tell me i want to 212告訴我,我想知道。

Spit out that gum you look like a crook 先把你的口香糖吐出來你看起來就像一個小癟三

Whom will you send for ? shinshin ? she crooked one finger 派人去把誰請來呢?

Mac : you are the most beautiful crook i ' ve ever seen 麥克:你是我見過最美的騙子。

That used - car salesman is a real crook 那個賣舊汽車的商人是個地地道道的騙子

Be absent in the middle of , informal thereto is crooked 不在正中,隨便往那邊歪。

And let our crooked smokes climb to their nostrils 讓裊裊香煙從我們神圣的祭壇

But the alley is crooked . dark and very narrow 而且后巷彎彎曲曲黑暗,而且很狹窄

We live this , fitted hats low conceal the crooked i 如果這樣你好過放心我不會說破

The crooked angel plays the devil on the field 有一雙彎腿的天使在球場上施展魔法

Of what ? they ' re both crooks . . they actually grew up 嫉妒什么?他們同樣是人渣

And that ' s the greatest thing in a crook ' s life 這是一個惡棍生活中絕妙的東西。

Hellen buried her face in the crook of her arm 海倫將她的臉埋在她手臂的彎處。

- of what ? they ' re both crooks . . they actually grew up -嫉妒什么?他們同樣是人渣

Of what ? they ' re both crooks . . they actually grew up -嫉妒什么?他們同樣是人渣

There ' s crooks , killers and monsters everywhere 那里有騙子,殺手,到處都是怪獸

As the crook had absorbed most of gabriel's money, he attempted, and carried out, an exchange of his overcoat for a shepherd's regulation smock-frock . 由于買牧羊杖花去了加布里埃爾大部分的錢,他打算用他的外套換一件羊倌必備的長罩衫,而且實際上也這樣做了。

For want of a bit of incriminating proof was such a young, silent, vain crook as this to be allowed to escape ? 難道為了缺少一點點證明他罪行的證據,就讓這個年輕,不肯開腔,愛虛榮的騙子逃脫么?

It is time he understood, i think, what the moneyed men of this community think of him and his crooked ways . 我認為,現在他應該曉得,這個社會有錢的人對他和他的下流手段抱著一種什么看法。