
crony n.密友,好友,老友。


In the exordium , the author hopes to give some advice in theory for the reform of wuhan instrument factory through the analysis of universality of corporation system , which includes the meanings of corporation system , the frame of corporation system , property rights frame of corporation , broad sense of corporation etc . the author analyzed the history , personnel , product and marketing of wuhan instrument factory in chapter one , evolution and actuality , and discussed the problems about them , such as administrative nomination in the selection of enterprise leaders , crony in personnel system , mess in distribution system etc . these problems have resulted in the lack of qualified manager and job - hopping of technical personnel 本文緒論部分通過對現代企業制度的一般性分析,包括現代企業制度的含義、現代企業制度的基本架構、現代企業制度的產權結構、現代企業制度的廣義理解等等,希望能夠對武漢儀器廠改制提供理論上的指導。本文第一章“沿革與現狀”對武漢儀器廠的發展歷史、人員、產品生產狀況、市場及經營狀況等都做了分析,指出了其中的問題。如企業領導人選拔機制中的行政任命問題;人事用工制度方面的“任人唯親”問題;分配制度上的“大鍋飯”問題等等。

She loved being there , amidst the tobacco smoke of those famous evenings of the cronies , as she called them privately to herself . she was infinitely amused , and proud too , that even their talking they could not do , without her silent presence 她很喜歡那香煙的煙霧參加這些“密友夜聚”這是她私下起的名字,她覺得很有趣,而且覺得自得,因為沒有她默默地座的時候,他們連談話都不起勁。

Since ceausescu ' s summary execution on christmas day 1989 , bear numbers have risen sharply , danet added - ceausescu used to invite cronies and foreign dignitaries to lavish shooting parties , sometimes bagging dozens of bears in a single day 因為這些熊可能給人們帶來更多的危險。 “達內還說,自從1989年圣誕處決了齊奧塞斯庫以后,熊的數量就急劇增加。

The talk was much more desultory than when only the cronies were there , and everybody was a bit bored , for the weather was bad , and there was only billiards , and the pianola to dance to 他們間的談話是不連貫的,不象知友們在一塊時那們地一瀉千里,大家都有點發悶,因為天氣既不好,而消遣的東西又只不過打打牌子和開著留聲機跳跳舞罷了。

These men , who slaughtered english , gesticulated like lunatics , and fought one another s ideas with primitive anger , seemed somehow to be more alive than mr . morse and his crony , mr . butler 這些把英語糟踏得一塌糊涂瘋頭瘋腦地打著手勢懷著原始的憤怒對彼此的思想交戰的人似乎要比莫爾斯先生和他的老朋友巴特勒先生更為生氣勃勃。

He took them to all the cronies of his in the villa lucchese , he sat with them on warm evenings in the piazza , having got a table at florian s : he took them to the theatre , to the goldoni plays 他帶她們上盧西別墅去看他的老朋友。天熱的晚上,他和她們坐在皮亞沙上面的佛負邊咖啡館里。他帶她們上劇院,去看哥多尼的戲劇。

I agree with you , socrates gave the critical activity a grand start , but he did more than that , said charlie may , rather magisterially . the cronies had such a curious pomposity under their assumed modesty 蘇格拉底在批評活動上給了一個大大的推動,這點我是和你的意見一致的,但是他的工作并不盡于此。 ”

He had turned against even the cronies . he was queer . he preferred the radio , which he had installed at some expense , with a good deal of success at last 他是奇怪的,甚至一般知友他也索性不要了,他寧愿有一架無線電收音機,所以他發了不少錢安設了一架,花了不少的氣力綏把機器弄好了。

Douglas feith , a cheney crony in the defence department , told a military official on september 12th 2001 that the campaign against al - qaeda should be directed at baghdad 錢尼在國防部的密友道格拉斯.菲斯在2001年9月12日告訴軍方這場對付阿爾凱達的戰爭必須面向巴格達。

George bush ' s failure to hold his cronies to account for trashing his country ' s reputation will haunt american foreign policy for years to come 布什總統任人唯親,沒能控制住他的親信們毀壞其國家的聲譽,這個問題在未來的幾年內將會繼續困擾美國的外交政策。

Mr thaksin took full advantage of his crushing majority in the last parliament , pushing his cronies into key institutional jobs while scorning his critics 他信先生充分利用了他在最后一屆議會中多數黨的優勢,不顧他人反對,將他的親信放在關鍵職位上。

The old cabinet is sardonically referred to as “ crony cabinet ” , whose members are close to abe but green hands in politics 此前,外界把安倍的舊內閣戲稱為“兄弟內閣” ,其成員多數是安倍的親信,但是卻缺乏政治經驗。

Clifford and his cronies were not anti - social ; they were more or less bent on saving mankind , or on instructing it , to say the least 克利福和他的密友們是擁護社會的他們多少是在拯救人類,至少是想開導人類的。

The fashion now is for “ smart ” sanctions , which try to isolate and hurt the regime and its cronies , not the innocent 現在流行的是“機智”的制裁,旨在孤立和打擊被制裁政權及其盟友,不針對無辜平民。

What , monsieur fix , are you on board ? returned the really astonished passepartout , recognizing his crony of the mongolia 路路通非常驚奇地回答說,他認出了這位在蒙古號上跟他同船的旅伴。

He was really anti - social , which was what clifford and his cronies had against him 他實在是反對社會的,這是克利福的他的密支們都反對他的緣故。

Solemn as troy . after his good lunch in earlsfort terrace . old legal cronies cracking a magnum 他剛在厄爾斯福特高臺街美美地吃過一頓午餐。

Critics say that the government restaffed the firm with incompetent cronies and placemen 批判者指責政府重新雇傭的人員都是些無能的廢物。

Grandfather often toddled round to the club for a chat with his cronies 祖父時常搖搖晃晃地到俱樂部去找他的老朋友聊天。