
cronin n.克羅寧〔姓氏〕。


Kevin cronin is opening a new company . he has just hired joanna wood to be the company ' s marketing manager . today , they are discussing business plans 凱文?克羅寧要開設一家新公司。他剛剛聘請到喬安娜?伍德來出任公司的市場經理。今天,他們正在討論運營計劃。

Roy cronin : well , experts never know - it takes outsiders to know , and i tell you , it was beautiful 羅伊.克羅寧:那么,專業人士從來就不懂的- -只有門外漢才懂,讓我來告訴你,它就是美極了。

David : mr . cronin , currently your products are not being sold in italy . am i right 大衛:克羅寧先生,目前你們的產品并沒有在意大利銷售。對不對?

David is meeting kevin cronin to discuss promoting h & t products in italy 大衛正在和凱文?克羅寧開會,討論h & t公司在意大利的產品推廣事宜。

This is tom cronin , c . i . operations officer calling from langley , virginia 我是湯姆?克羅寧,中情局行動長官從弗吉尼亞州蘭利市打來的

Roy cronin : myra , what do you think we ' re going to do tonight 羅伊?克羅寧:瑪拉,你覺得我們今晚去干嗎好呢?

Roy cronin : for hesitating ! no more hesitating for you 羅伊.克羅寧:猶豫啊!沒有時間等你猶豫了!

Roy cronin : the ballet was beautiful 羅伊?克羅寧:你將要去結婚。

I ' ve got an appointment with mrs . cronin 我和克朗寧太太有個約會。

Roy cronin : you ' re going to get married 羅伊?克羅寧:你將要去結婚。

The nobel prize in physics 1980 : james watson cronin 諾貝爾物理學獎-詹姆斯沃森克勞寧

Roy cronin : oh , you won ' t have time for that 羅伊.克羅寧:哦,你已經沒有時間了。