
crone n.皺皮老太婆;老母羊。


In sum an infinite great fall of rain and all refreshed and will much increase the harvest yet those in ken say after wind and water fire shall come for a prognostication of malachi s almanac and i hear that mr russell has done a prophetical charm of the same gist out of the hindustanish for his farmer s gazette to have three things in all but this a mere fetch without bottom of reason for old crones and bairns yet sometimes they are found in the right guess with their queerities no telling how 簡言之,大雨無盡,萬物復蘇,豐收在望。然而見多識廣者云:據瑪拉基114之歷書,風雨之后預測將有火災吾聞拉塞爾先生本著源于印度的同一要旨,為其“農民報” 115撰寫預見性咒文,三者不可缺一此乃無稽之談,僅能迷惑老嫗小兒而已,但偶爾立論亦能恰當中肯,實為奇妙。

Armed men and women flocked out of the quarter so fast , and drew even these last dregs after them with such a force of suction , that within a quarter of an hour there was not a human creature in saint antoine s bosom but a few old crones and the wailing children 拿起武器的男人和婦女從圣安托萬區一哄而出,跑得飛快,并以極大的吸引力把最后的人都帶了去。不到一刻鐘,圣安托萬的心臟除了皺巴巴的老太婆和哭鬧著的兒童之外就再也沒有人了。

None dared cross the old crone for fear that their cows would go dry , their food - stores rot away before winter , their children take sick of fever , or any number of terrible things that an angry witch could do to her neighbors 沒人敢惹這個干癟的老太婆,深怕自己家的牛擠不出奶,儲藏的糧食在冬季來臨前腐爛,孩子會發燒,以及其他種種憤怒的女巫有可能對她的鄰居做出的可怕的事情發生。

A wandering crone , lowly form of an immortal serving her conqueror and her gay betrayer , their common cuckquean , a messenger from the secret morning 一個到處流浪滿臉皺紋的老太婆,女神假借這個卑賤者的形象,伺候著她的征服者與她那快樂的叛徒64 。

The old crone nichered a laugh under her bonnet and bandage ; she then drew out a short black pipe , and lighting it began to smoke 這老太婆在帽子和帶子底下爆發出了一陣笑聲。隨后取出一個短短的煙筒,點上煙,開始抽了起來。

Garrett : i ' m more interested in those papers of yours , if they can tell me anything about . . . a crone that talks to statues 加勒特:我對你的那些文件更感興趣,如果它們能告訴我任何關于…一個對雕像說話的干癟老丑婆。

Prayer to the crone : a godsworn can pray to gain wisdom and direction when all seems dark and lost 向少女祈禱:修士可以向少女祈禱更加受人信任或者引人注明。

The crone of the future will be golden , curly 卷曲 and cherry - lipped , neatankled 勻 側 and slender 未來的老太婆將有卷曲的金發,櫻桃紅唇,勻側腳踝,苗條身材。

Purity , natural balance , the trinity of maid / mother / crone and son / father / wise man 凈化,自然的平衡,少女/母親/老婦及孩子/父親/智慧的三位一體。

You are the third moon aspect as the hag , dark moon , or the crone 您以冥月,或滄桑的老婦展現月的第三種形態。

Crone the blood moon comes tonight 血月今晚就會來

Crone ) the blood moon comes tonight 血月今晚就會來

( crone ) the blood moon comes tonight 血月今晚就會來

You are the crone ; queen of the world of spirits 您是充滿智謀的老婦:靈魂世界的女王。

Even if he is a youth of twenty he moves like an ancient crone . 他即使是二十歲的青年,行動起來也象個干癟的老太婆。

The old crone gabbed all day . 這老太婆整天喋喋不休。