
cromwell n.1.克倫威爾〔姓氏〕。2.Oliver Cromwe...


Irish political history in the seventeenth century was intimately linked to events in england and scotland , including the civil war , the rise of oliver cromwell , the restoration of charles ii , the glorious revolution of 1688 which placed william and mary on the english throne 愛爾蘭在17世紀的政治史,與英格蘭和蘇格蘭發生的事件有著密切的聯系,其中包括內戰、奧利弗克倫威爾( oliver cromwell )起義、查爾斯二世復辟、讓威廉姆和瑪麗登上英格蘭王位的光輝革命( 1688年) 。

But begob i was just lowering the heel of the pint when i saw the citizen getting up to waddle to the door , puffing and blowing with the dropsy and he cursing the curse of cromwell on him , bell , book and candle in irish , spitting and spatting out of him and joe and little alf round him like a leprechaun trying to peacify him 然而,天哪,我正要把杯中殘酒一飲而盡時,只見“市民”騰地站起來,因患水腫病呼呼大喘,踉踉蹌蹌走向門口,用愛爾蘭語的“鐘圣經與蠟燭” 613 ,對那家伙發出克倫威爾的詛咒614 ,還呸呸地吐著唾沫。

I used to read , with wonder , those sycophantic stories of the warlike supermen , the great troublers of the world ' s peace , cromwell , napoleon , and the like , who , thanks to their “ iron wills “ , could lie down and plunge themselves immediately into deep sleep , to wake up , refreshed , at a given time 我曾詫異地讀過一些大肆吹捧那些好戰的超人、世界和平的巨大威脅者,諸如克倫威爾、拿破侖之類的文章,文章里說他們“鋼鐵般的意志”使他們一躺下就能熟睡,并在某一特定時間醒來,精神抖擻。

Proves up to the hilt spain decayed when the inquisition hounded the jews out and england prospered when cromwell , an uncommonly able ruffian , who , in other respects , has much to answer for , imported them 而克倫威爾這個極其精明強干的惡棍,盡管在其他方面有不少過失,但當他讓猶太人入境之后,英國就繁榮起來了170 。

You declined a little in oliver cromwell s time , but to no serious extent , and in charles the second s reign you were made knights of the royal oak for your loyalty 你們家族在奧利弗克倫威爾時代就有點兒開始衰落,不過沒有到嚴重的程度,在查理斯二世時期,你們家族又因為對王室忠心,被封為皇家橡樹爵士。

“ you have been sat here too long for any good you have been doing , ” oliver cromwell famously declared , as he dissolved the rump parliament in 1653 “你們(議員們)只需帶個屁股往議院里一坐便算完事” ,這是克倫威爾名言,緊接著在1653年他又解散了殘余國會(又有人稱“臀部國會” ) 。

Another theory suggests the festival began in honour of a goat who warned killorglin residents of an impending attack by english leader oliver cromwell in the 17th century 另一論點指出,該節慶始于紀念一頭17世紀的公羊, ?警告基洛格林居民,英國領袖奧立佛克倫威爾行將展開攻擊。

Meanwhile , oliver cromwell and the “ rump ” declared england a commonwealth . in december 1653 , by an instrument of government , he became lord protector of the commonwealth of england 克倫威爾用“小議會”取代“殘余國會” , 1653 . 12 ,根據《施政文件》 ,他成了英格蘭共和國護國會。

Cromwell said , “ i see there is a people risen that i cannot win either with gifts , honors , offices or places ; but with all other sects and people i can 克倫威爾說, “我看到已經出現了一批我無法用禮品、榮譽、官職或高位籠絡的人,但對于所有其他的教派和人士這卻行得通。 ”

“ you have been sat here too long for any good you have been doing , ” oliver cromwell famously declared , as he dissolved the rump parliament in 1653 “你們為了任何一個已經得到的好處,已經坐這里太長時間“ ,著名的奧利佛?克倫威爾,他在1653年解散(英國)尾閭議會時聲明。

Still , marquise , it has been so with other usurpers - cromwell , for instance , who was not half so bad as napoleon , had his partisans and advocates . 還有,侯爵夫人,其他那些大逆不道的人也都是這樣的,譬如說,克倫威爾吧克倫威爾,英國政治家,資產階級革命的領導人。

I chanced to light in an unfrequented place under a dead wall , where i lay undiscovered and useless , during the usurpation of oliver cromwell 我碰巧還就落到了一堵破舊的、無人問津的殘墻之處,并且呆在那里無人發現、無人使用,在奧立佛?克倫威爾篡政期間默默度過了。

What about sanctimonious cromwell and his ironsides that put the women and children of drogheda to the sword with the bible text god is love pasted round the mouth of his cannon 在德羅赫達他們一面殘殺婦孺, 513一面又把圣經里的上帝是愛,這句話貼在炮口上。

Oliver cromwell , the great english leader , offered many gifts to win the support of george fox and his quaker group , but failed 偉大的英國領袖奧利弗?克倫威爾曾送去很多禮物,企圖贏得喬治?福克斯和他領導的公誼會支持,但是未能成功。

Whereas the court of henry viii dined in great splendour , the cromwells didn ' t go in for entertaining , so no one else did either 雖然亨利八世在位時吃飯很講排場,但克倫威爾和其他人沒有效仿。

It was the hour - - the darkest hour for the parliamentary forces - - that brought the man , oliver cromwell 正是在這個時刻? ?對議會黨人的軍隊極其不利的時刻? ?造出了奧利弗?克倫威爾這個偉大人物。

When oliver cromwell died in 1658 and was succeeded by his son , richard , the regime began to collapse 1658年奧利弗克倫威爾去世,他的兒子理查德繼任護國公,政權立即開始瓦解。

Thomas cromwell ' s reform in government system and the founding of modern english political system 托馬斯183 ;克倫威爾的政府制度改革與英國近代政治制度基礎的奠定

A hundred long years must still elapse before englishman could hear the name of oliver cromwell 離英國人聽到奧利弗?克倫姆威爾的名字還有一百年之久呢。