
crompton n.1.克朗普頓〔姓氏〕。2.Samuel Crompt...


Britain s industrial hegemony in the 19th century was made possible by the inventors of lancashire : arkwright s spinning jenny , kay s flying shuttle , crompton s spinning mule 蘭開夏的發明家使得英國在19世紀成為產業霸主有了可能:這就是阿克萊特的詹尼紡紗機、凱伊的飛梭和克朗普頓的走錠細紗機。

Otto f , thormell ap , crompton t , et al : cbfa1 , a candidate gene for cleidocranialdyspasia syndrome , is essntil for osteoblast differentiation and bone development . cell 1997 , 89 : 765 馮偉,傅文? ,朱雅萍,等.接骨中藥對培養成骨細胞增殖、分化和礦化功能的影響.浙江中醫學院學報. 2004 , 28 ( 2 ) :待發表