
croker n.克羅克〔姓氏〕。


Inheriting caine s role as ace heist - planner charlie croker , mark wahlberg plays straight - man to a well - cast team of accomplices , including mos def , jason statham , and scene - stealer seth green in a variation of the role originally played by noel coward 一套完美無瑕奪寶計劃,過程不留痕跡,由食腦大盜查理制劃。正常得手之際,竟然被出賣。查理決定不惜一切報復及奪回應得所有

Charlie croker : it is true . he always regretted not having been a better father to you , stella 查理:這是真的。他總是后悔沒能作個更好的父親,斯特拉。

Charlie croker : what are you talking about , john ? you ' ve been a good father 查理:約翰,你在說什么?你已經是個好父親了。