
croissant n.新月形小面包。


With a daily output of 90 , 000 freshly baked items we provide pre - baked & frozen breads , danish pastries , croissants as well as hard & soft rolls to hotels , airline catering firms , restaurant chains and retailer in beijing and whole china 我們每天生產九萬多個新鮮的面包制品,產品包括半烘培和急凍面團、丹麥酥、牛角包、小硬包和小軟包,我們供應給北京市以至全中國的酒店、航空食品、連鎖餐廳和批發商。

When the truckdriver from quebec arrived with an 18 wheeler of mulch and i began conversing in near - flawless parisian french about his long journey and breakfast of croissants , my boss ' s eyes lit up 當一輛滿載地面覆蓋物的18輪大卡車從魁北克開來的時候,我開始用近乎純正的巴黎法語跟司機聊起他的旅程和羊角面包的早餐,這時老板的眼睛一下亮了起來。

The first thing a french fisherman asked for when he was rescued after drifting in the caribbean for 20 days with a broken boat ' s engine was a croissant , a dutch defence ministry spokesman said on friday 一名法國漁民在加勒比海上經過了長達20天的隨波逐流之后,終于被一艘荷蘭船只發現。該男子得救后做的第一件事就是要吃一塊羊角面包。

A croissant was the first thing a 27 - year - old french fisherman asked for when he was rescued after drifting in the caribbean for 20 days with a broken engine 一27歲的法國漁民因漁船引擎故障在加勒比海漂流了20天,被救上來后的第一句話是要一個羊角面包

Croissants de france ( french bread ) provides customers with nearly 100 kinds of bread , western pastry , cake , sugar , beverage and packaged gift 可頌坊的法式面包房每天向消費者提供近百余種各式面包、西點、蛋糕、糖果、飲料、包裝禮盒。

“ you ' re not eating anything , ” gore admonishes me through a mouthful of croissant , pointing at my largely untouched plate of patisseries “你沒吃什么東西啊, ”滿口羊角面包的戈爾,指著幾乎沒動的一盤法式蛋糕提醒我。

An assortment of french and danish flavours such as french sticks , croissants , pork floss buns , sweet potato pies , sesame kaiser , apple danish , etc 多種法式及丹麥式面包任君選擇,定可滿足喜歡歐陸風味的人士。

Croissants de france symbolizes a life of vogue and health . today , more and more customers have a crash on her 可頌坊標志了一種健康時尚的生活方式。今天,越來越多的消費者愛上了可頌坊。

Offers toasted bread , croissants , fairy cakes and puff pastry . product and contact details -生產經營糕點食品,熟肉食品,速凍食品和節令食品。

A bagel , a croissant , 一個百吉餅,一個羊角面包

Pineapple bun , croissant , coconut bun , doughnuts , sausage bun 菠蘿包雞尾包牛角包椰絲包沙翁腸仔包

Murakami , pink cherry blossom papillon , monogram , croissant 深圳,關于進出口外貿貨物運輸保險

Did you know the croissant was invented in romania 你知道這種羊角面包是羅馬尼亞人發明的嗎?

Honey , marmalade , crumbs of croissant in our pubes 蜂蜜,桔子醬,長面包在我們的下體

Nobody really cares where the croissant was invented 沒人會在乎羊角面包是怎么發明的