
croft n.克羅夫特〔姓氏〕。


The orb to me , along with lady croft ' s body 交給我,錢就是你的

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One who rents and cultivates a croft ; a tenant farmer 佃農租種小農場并在其中耕作的人;佃農

Do you have authorization to kill me , croft 你有被授權處決我嗎, croft

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“ you don ' t think , “ croft cut him off “還反正呢, ”克洛夫特截斷了他的話。

You know they built a house up at pye croft 你知道他們在源克羅起了一所房子。

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Goldstein realized suddenly how much hope he had fabricated because croft was no longer in command . 戈爾斯坦這才突然意識到,原來克洛夫特一不掌權,自己心里就生出了這么大的希望。

Croft had none of the particular blend of pessimism and fatalism that red and brown felt . 克洛夫特不象雷德和布朗,他們那種悲觀加宿命的人生觀在他頭腦里是沒有的。

Although he was displeased with minetta and roth, he did not think of complaining to croft . 他盡管很生米尼塔和羅思的氣,卻并不想向克洛夫特告狀。

Nurse : i am afraid that he can not , mr. croft can not you wait till this afternoon ? 護士:恐怕他不能,克羅夫特先生,難道你不能等到下午嗎?

Mr. croft : yes , it is very urgent , i feel awful . i have terrible toothache . 克羅夫特先生:是的,情況很緊急,我覺得很難受。牙齒痛極了。

To his surprise, he had found himself praising stanley to croft . 使他吃驚的是,自己在克洛夫特面前居然不知不覺還說了史坦利兩句好話。

As they talked, croft and stanley were sensing a similarity between themselves . 克洛夫特和史坦利倆說著說著,雙方感到有點同病相憐。

Croft shook his head as if to halt the uproarious whirl of his head . 克洛夫特擺了擺頭,仿佛腦子里鬧得發昏,得趕緊定一定神似的。

Almost with fascination, hearn watched croft working on his trench knife . 侯恩冷眼瞧著克洛夫特磨刀,一時簡直瞧得出了神。

Mr. croft : good morning , nurse . i want to see the dentist , please . 克羅夫特先生:早上好,護士。我想看牙科醫生。