
croesus n.克利薩斯〔公元前六世紀 Lydia 王,以富有著稱〕...


Some observers outside china wondered why he stayed , but there was no puzzle about it : in china he could not only be rich as croesus , but vice - president too 中國境外一些觀察家們想知道榮毅仁為何留了下來,然而答案簡潔明了:在中國,榮毅仁不僅可以富甲一方,還可以官拜副主席。

Her father ' s as rich as croesus . he owns several houses in england and also has property in italy 她的父親極為富有,他在英國有幾棟房子,在意大利也有財產。

Rich as croesus 就像一個大富豪

Our friend rob is as rich as croesus , but dependent upon his father 我們的朋友羅布非常富有,但是他依賴于他的父親。

He tells me that marylin rexroth - doyle is now richer than croesus 他告訴我瑪麗琳雷克斯拉夫道爾現在比大富豪還有錢

“ sirpitt has a half - sister as rich as croesus , “畢脫先生有個同父異母的非常富有的姐姐

Ah , yes , but is she richer than mrs . croesus 啊對了但她比大富豪夫人還有錢嗎

So croesus made a defensive alliance both with the lacedemonians and egyptians . 因此,克雷茲既同拉克代蒙人又同埃及人結成了防守同盟。

In fourteen days sardis was stormed and croesus taken prisoner . 在十四天之中,薩狄斯被攻擊,克雷茲成了階下囚。

Rich as croesus and wicked as the black man below . 像克羅伊斯一樣富有,可又像地獄里的撒旦一樣邪惡。