
crocus 短語和例子crocus1n.(pl. crocuses,...


As addenda , a tennis and fives court , a shrubbery , a glass summerhouse with tropical palms , equipped in the best botanical manner a rockery with waterspray , a beehive arranged on humane principles , oval flowerbeds in rectangular grassplots set with eccentric ellipses of scarlet and chrome tulips , blue scillas , crocuses , polyanthus , sweet william , sweat pea , lily of the valley bulbs obtainable from sir james w . mackey limited wholesale and retail seed and bulb merchant and nurseryman , agent for chemical manures , 23 sackville street , upper , an orchard , kitchen garden and vinery , protected against illegal trespassers by glasstopped mural enclosures , a lumbershed with padlock for various inventoried implements 可以增添一個網球兼手球場,一片灌木叢,用植物學上最佳辦法設置一座熱帶椰子科植物的玻璃涼亭,有噴泉裝置的假山石,按照人道的原則設計的蜂窩。在矩形的草坪上布置一座座橢圓形花壇,將深紅和淡黃兩色的郁金香藍色的天蒜報春花西櫻草美洲石竹香豌豆花和歐鈐蘭都栽培成別致的卵形球根購自詹姆斯w馬凱伊爵士247的股份有限公司,他是個種籽與球根批發兼零售商,苗木培養工,化學肥料代理商,住在上薩克維爾街二十三號。果樹園蔬菜園和葡萄園各一座。

No season is awaited so eagerly or welcomed so warmly as spring … each year i am astonished by the wealth of flowers the season gives us : the subtlety of the wild primroses and violets , the rich palette of crocus in the parks , tall soldier tulips and proud trumpeting daffodils and narcissi 沒有哪個季節像春天那么讓人翹首企盼… …每年春花的爛漫總讓我驚訝不已:野生報春花和紫羅蘭的嬌嫩,公園里藏紅花的多彩,還有高大的郁金香和傲然的水仙花。

Mr linton had put on her pillow , in the morning , a handful of golden crocuses ; her eye , long stranger to any gleam of pleasure , caught them in waking , and shone delighted as she gathered them eagerly together 早上,林敦先生在她枕上放一束金色的藏紅花。她已經有好久不習慣一點歡樂的光輝,當她醒來一看見這些花,就興高采烈地把它們攏在一起,眼睛放出愉快的光彩。

On the morrow one could hardly imagine that there had been three weeks of summer : the primroses and crocuses were hidden under wintry drifts ; the larks were silent , the young leaves of the early trees smitten and blackened 第二天早上,人都難以想象三個星期以來一直是夏天天氣:櫻草和番紅花躲藏在積雪下面,百靈鳥沉默了,幼樹的嫩芽也被打得發黑。

All the bad times that ever have been , haven t been able to blow the crocus out : not even the love of women . so they won t be able to blow out my wanting you , nor the little glow there is between you and me 世界過去的所有壞日子,都不能把人的心花摧毀,甚至沒有摧毀女子的愛情,所以我對你的欲望和你我間的小光明,也不會被摧毀的。

Suddenly i slowed , stopped and stared at the lawn . muddy grass and small gray mounds of melting snow . and there , bravely waving in the wind , was one pink crocus 我猛地放慢了速度,停下車注視著草坪。草上粘滿泥污,一個個灰色小雪堆正在融化。可是,就在這里,有一株粉紅色的番紅花正在不屈地迎風搖曳。

Suddenly i slowed , stopped and stared at the lawn . muddy grass and small gray mounds of melting snow . and there , bravely waving in the wind , was one pink crocus 我猛地放慢了速度,停下車注視著草坪。草上粘滿泥污,一個個灰色小雪堆正在溶化。就在這里,有一株粉紅色的番紅花卻在不屈地迎風搖曳著。

They were crocuses , scattered whimsically throughout the front lawn . lavender , blue , yellow and my favorite pink - little faces bobbing in the bitter wind 是番紅花,在屋前草坪上星羅棋布到處都是。淡紫色、藍色、黃色和我鐘愛的粉色? ?一個個小臉在凜冽的寒風中搖曳著。

They found him guilty , and brother , if maine had the death - penalty , he would have done the airdance before that spring ' s crocuses poked their heads out of the snow 他們認為他罪該萬死,如果緬因州有死刑的話,不等春天到來番紅花破土而出,安迪早就一命嗚呼了。

My father ' s crocuses bloomed each spring for the next four or five seasons , bringing that same assurance every time they arrived : hard times almost over 以后的四五年中,父親種的番紅花年年在春天開放,每次開花都給我帶來同樣的自信:艱難時刻就要結束。

Hold on , keep going , light is coming soon . the pink crocus bloomed for only a day . but it built my faith for a lifetime 18年前種下的已有10多年未曾生長開花的球莖,如今怎會從新開放呢?可那確是番紅花。當我認識到其深刻含義時,不禁熱淚盈眶。

For example , crocus flowers open rapidly if the temperature increases by 5 to 10 , as the inner side of the petals grows faster than the outer side 例如:如果環境溫度上升5 ~ 10番紅花屬植物會迅速開花,因為花瓣內側的生長將快于外側。

Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die , it shall by no means bring forth . when the crocus cometh forth i too will emerge and see the sun 假如一粒小麥落在地下面不死,它是要發牙的當報春花生長晨,我也要露出頭來看太陽! ”

Hold on , keep going , light is coming soon . the pink crocus bloomed for only a day . but it build my faith for a lifetime 堅持下去,繼續努力,光明即將來臨。這株粉色番紅花只開了一天。但是,它卻為我的一生樹立了信念。

Hold on , keep going , light is coming soon . the pink crocus bloomed for only a day . but it built my faith for a lifetime 堅持不懈,繼續努力,光明就會來臨。這株粉色番紅花只開了一天。但卻為我的一生樹立了信念。

The winter aconites have got mixed with the snowdrops and crocuses and look like being overtaken by the daffodils 冬季的烏頭和雪花、藏紅花混長在一塊,可看起來好像正在為水仙花所壓倒。

Flowers peeped out amongst the leaves ; snowdrops , crocuses , purple auriculas , and golden - eyed pansies 花朵從樹葉叢中探出頭來,有雪花蓮呀藏紅花呀紫色的報春花和金眼三色紫羅蘭。

The october after grandpa ' s death , i planted tulip and daffodil bulbs , snowdrops , crocuses , and bluebells 在爺爺去世后的十月,我種了一些郁金香、水仙、雪花蓮、番紅花及藍鈴花。

A few weeks later , the deep hurt still fresh , she eagerly waited for his crocuses to appear 幾周后,她的喪夫之痛還記憶猶新,卻只能焦急地等待著草坪上的番紅花再長出來。