
crocodilian adj.鱷魚(一樣)的。n.鱷魚(類動物)。


Two captive populations could n ' t be defined as separate evolutionary significant units ( esus ) because of lacking of genetic divergence between them , and should be considered as a single esu in the conservation of the species . by comparing the sequences of control region of mitochondrial dna from three species of crocodiles , it is revealed that the smallest genetic diversity exists between alligator sinensis and alligator mississipiensis . a portion of mitochondrial nd4 and cytochrome b gene of 3 species of crocodilian was sequenced 百年來關于揚子鱷的分類地位存在著很多爭議,本文利用測得的揚子鱷( alligatorsinensis ) 、暹羅鱷( crocodlylussiamensis )和灣鱷( crocodylusporosus )的mtdnand4和cytb基因序列,以及從genbank中獲得密西西比鱷、凱門鱷和海龜( cheloniamydas )的nd4基因和cytb基因相應片段,構建以海龜為外群的系統進化樹。

“ there were forests in the arctic and antarctica , “ added schrag , who is unaffiliated with the study . “ there were crocodilians living on ellesmere island in the arctic . “南極和北極都是森林,北極圈內的埃爾斯米爾島上生活著鱷魚。 ”

Habit of the chinese crocodilian lizard ( shinisaurus crocodilurus ) was observed in the field and laboratory from 2004 to 2005 摘要2004 ~ 2005年,通過野外調查和半自然條件下飼養的方法研究了鱷蜥的生活習性。

To learn more about this giant supercroc , the two scientists turns to today s crocodilians 為了更了解這超級巨鱷,這兩位科學家先著手于研究現今的鱷魚。