
crocodile n.1.鱷魚。2.假裝慈悲的人,偽善者。3.〔英俚〕雙列...

crocodile bird

And then i saw this little crocodile 這個時候,我看到了一只小鱷魚。

How does the clock wind up inside the crocodile 不如把一個鬧鐘塞到鱷魚的嘴巴里你認為如何

I suppose it ' s all the work of the ticking crocodile , isn ' t it 我想那是鱷魚的功勞,不是么

She go up the nile as far as the first crocodile 她溯尼羅河之源而上,直至遇上第一條鱷魚。

Lacoste crocodile shakes hands with zhejiang crocodile 法國鱷魚起訴秀水市場及部分侵權商戶

I have the deepest impression of crocodiles 鱷魚給我留下的印象最深。

She had a hermes bag . red crocodile 她有個愛馬仕的手袋,紅色的鱷魚皮

Allied m4 crocodile sherman range and damage decreased 盟軍m4謝爾曼鱷式射程和威力下降。

Crocodile hunter games - 4455 miniclip games 鱷魚獵人小游戲- 4399小游戲

Crocodile leather strap with buckle in platinum , 毫米,甲形的皮表帶,

Can you guess where crocodile ` s tooth is 你能猜到鱷魚的牙齒在那里么?

Modern crocodiles can live about 70 years in the wild 現代的鱷魚在野外大約能活七十年。

Money , crocodile lost his tooth . have you seen it 猴子,鱷魚丟失了他的牙齒。你看到了么?

The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed 這條鱷魚正沿著河床爬行。

What kind of animal are crocodiles ? they are reptiles 鱷魚是哪種動物?它們是爬行動物。

Snakes , lizards , and crocodiles are reptiles 蛇、蜥蜴和鱷魚是爬行動物。

If i cry one tear for my daddy , i stole it off a crocodile , 我會為我老爸流一滴眼淚才怪

Costs for capturing the crocodile in shan pui river 捕捉山貝河鱷魚的費用

Is the world filled with tigers and crocodiles ? 難道世界上真的遍地是老虎和鱷魚嗎? ”