
crockett n.克羅基特〔姓氏〕。


Sonny crockett is charismatic and flirtatious until - while undercover working with the supplier of the south florida group - he gets romantically entangled with isabella , the chinese - cuban wife of an arms and drugs trafficker . the intensity of this case pushes crockett and tubbs out onto the edge where identity and fabrication become blurred , where cop and player become one - especially for crockett in his romance with isabella and for tubbs in the provocation of an assault on those he loves 另一邊廂sonny crockett哥飾則以風流倜儻到處留情的花花公子形象,掩飾臥底身份與南佛羅里達州的一個大毒品組織打交道,后來他搭上一名中國古巴混血兒isabella鞏飾,而她的丈夫正是crockett要調查的軍火毒品私梟。

At the fourth hong kong monetary authority distinguished lecture held today 13 february , mr andrew crockett , general manager of the bank for international settlements standing , delivers a lecture on the theme “ monetary policy and financial stability “ 香港金融管理局金管局第屆卓越人士講座于今天月日舉行,由國際結算銀行總經理先生站立者以貨幣政策及金融穩定為題進行演講。

Mr crockett also drew supervisors attention to the correlation of risks across institutions , meaning that prudential controls should be calibrated to the systemic relevance of individual institutions , rather than being the same for all 先生亦提醒監管機構注意各機構之間的風險會互相產生作用,顯示應按照個別機構之間的系統性相關程度逐一實施具體的審慎監管要求,而不是一刀切式全面推行。

Ray crockett , a spokesman for coca - cola co . , said : “ we ' re constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals 可口可樂公司的發言人雷科洛科特說: “人們一直想著各式各樣的法子吃可樂,還把這加入到他們的州里活動節慶之中,這讓我們感到不斷的驚喜和詫異。

Ray crockett , a spokesman for coca - cola co . , said : “ we re constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals 可口可樂公司的發言人雷科洛科特說: “人們一直想著各式各樣的法子吃可樂,還把這加入到他們的州里活動節慶之中,這讓我們感到不斷的驚喜和詫異。

Ray crockett , a spokesman for coca - cola co . , said : “ we ' re constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals 可口可樂公司的發言人雷?科洛科特說: “人們一直想著各式各樣的法子吃可樂,還把這加入到他們的州里活動節慶之中,這讓我們感到不斷的驚喜和詫異。

Ray crockett , a spokesman for coca - cola co . , said : “ we ' re constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals 可口可樂公司的發言人雷?科洛科特說: “人們一直想著各式各樣的法子吃可樂,還把這加入到他們的州? ? ? `慶之中,這讓我們感到不斷的驚喜和詫異。

As pointed out by mr crockett , this is an important step for the bis , as they move beyond their headquarters in basle , switzerland , in order that they could better serve this region 正如郭克特先生指出,國際結算銀行走出設于瑞士巴塞爾的總部,在亞太區設立辦事處,以便為亞太區提供更佳的服務,可說是踏出了重要的一步。

And the implementation of monetary policy requires an understanding of the fact that the consequences of monetary policy for economic behaviour go much wider than their impact on the consumer price index , “ mr crockett said 推行貨幣政策前,也先要明白該等政策對經濟表現的影響,會遠比其對消費物價指數的影響為廣。

Speaking on the theme “ monetary policy and financial stability “ , mr crockett pointed out the importance of the nexus between monetary and prudential policies 先生以貨幣政策及金融穩定為題,指出貨幣政策與審慎監管政策之間關系重要。

In his opening remarks , mr yam stressed the relevance of mr crocketts lecture both to the region and to the international financial community 任志剛在開幕詞中強調先生的演講對亞洲區以至國際金融社會都很具參考作用。

In responding to mr crocketts lecture , dr zeti noted the importance of monetary and financial stability as a means towards sustainable growth 博士在回應先生的演講時表示,貨幣及金融穩定是邁向持續增長的重要環節。

What about colonel crockett leadin ' us ? - no , i ' m with you fellers , not above you 就讓克羅基特上校來主持怎么樣? -不,我和你們一樣,并沒有高人一等

- what about colonel crockett leadin ' us ? - no , i ' m with you fellers , not above you -就讓克羅基特上校來主持怎么樣? -不,我和你們一樣,并沒有高人一等

Speeches of mr joseph yam , mr andrew crockett and dr zeti are available on the hkma website 任志剛先生先生及博士演詞可于金管局網頁:查閱。

There is not sufficient focus on the genesis of financial instability , “ mr crockett said 有關金融不穩定的出現,焦點亦不夠集中。

Crockett was asked to be the leader of the defenders of the fort , but he refused 克洛基奉命擔任堡壘守軍的領導者,但他拒絕了。

Put your mark on it , mr . crockett ? - ( man ) look out . let me through here 能簽個名嗎,克羅基特先生? -請讓一讓,讓我過去好嗎

Speech by andrew crockett 先生演詞