
crockery n.〔集合詞〕陶器,瓦器。


By one of the parrots was a cat made of crockery , and a crockery dog by the other ; and when you pressed down on them they squeaked , but didn t open their mouths nor look different nor interested . they squeaked through underneath . there was a couple of big wild - turkey - wing fans spread out behind those things 在一只鸚鵡的旁邊,有一只瓷貓另一只鸚鵡的旁邊,有一只瓷狗在這些東西的身上一按,就會哇哇地叫起來,只是嘴并沒有張開,也不變樣,也沒有什么表情,是從肚子里發出聲的。

Ancient painted pottery namely chromatic crockery , the department uses hematite pink and oxidation manganese to make dye , use the tool of similar brush , in contented base apparently coloured drawing or pattern all sorts of design , the classics that enter pit 1050 of 900 after baked wheaten cake , on the impression with red orange , present a black , red , design that waits for color in vain 彩陶即彩色陶器,系利用赤鐵礦粉和氧化錳作顏料,使用類似毛筆的工具,在陶坯表面上彩繪各種圖案,入窯經900 1050火燒后,在橙紅的底色上,呈現出黑、紅、白等顏色的圖案。

In accordance with archaeological discoveries of ba culture in three gorges region , and analyses about these material , some points on ba minority ' s living customs can be drawn that they lived in a good ecological environment ; their main tools in daily life are crockery , which is not only large in number but also is featured with round bottom ; they live on paddy rice , fish and other propagations ; salt plays an important role in their life ; the location of ba culture relics , namely waterside or mesa near waterside , reflects their habitation features and construction mode residing before rivers 摘要根據三峽地區與巴文化有關的考古發現,再從這些資料中分析巴人生活習俗有幾大特點:巴人生活的生態環境良好;早期巴人的主要生活用具是陶器,陶器不但種類很多,并且多圜底器,圜底器一直貫穿巴人生活的始終;巴人以稻米、魚類和其他動植物為重要的食物來源;食鹽在巴人生活中具有重要的經濟地位;巴文化遺存多在水邊或水邊臺地上,反映了巴人臨水而居的居住特點和建筑方式。

On the table in the middle of the room was a kind of a lovely crockery basket that bad apples and oranges and peaches and grapes piled up in it , which was much redder and yellower and prettier than real ones is , but they warn t real because you could see where pieces had got chipped off and showed the white chalk , or whatever it was , underneath 屋子中間有一只惹人喜愛的瓷藍子,里邊裝著一堆堆蘋果橘子桃子櫻桃,顏色比真的還要來得更紅或者更珍貴,也更可愛。這些當然不是真的,從破損處露出里面的白堊或是別的什么東西,就可以看得很分明。

From the 13th to the 16th century , the merchants of kilwa dealt in gold , silver , pearls , perfumes , arabian crockery , persian earthenware and chinese porcelain ; much of the trade in the indian ocean thus passed through their hands 從十三世紀到十六世紀,基爾瓦商人從事黃金、白銀、珍珠、香水、阿拉伯陶器、波斯土陶以及中國瓷器的貿易,許多印度洋上的貿易是由他們經手的。

Simultaneously there was a tearing , crashing sound , like the smash of broken crockery , a puff of stifling fumes , and prince andrey was sent spinning over , and flinging up one arm , fell on his face 就在這一剎那,發出了爆炸聲,像打破了玻璃窗似的碎片四面飛射,聞得到令人窒息的火藥味,安德烈公爵向一旁猛然一沖,舉起一只手,胸脯朝下摔倒了。

The summer rental : learning how to criticise and how to say that something doesn t work . learning some household vocabulary : household appliances , cutlery and crockery , towels and bed linen 學習如何提出抱怨并說出不滿的地方,還將介紹一些家庭用品詞匯,如家用電器、刀具、陶制品、毛巾和床單和枕套等。

Local residents reported damage to crockery and glassware . staff at a nearby hotel said the quake had been strong enough to shake television sets off tables and smash them 居民們報告說他們的陶器及玻璃制品都打破了。附近的酒店人員說,這次地震厲害得把他們的電視機都從桌子上搞下來并敲到他們。

Learning how to criticise and how to say that something doesn ' t work . learning some household vocabulary : household appliances , cutlery and crockery , towels and bed linen 學習如何提出抱怨并說出不滿的地方,還將介紹一些家庭用品詞匯,如家用電器、刀具、陶制品、毛巾和床單和枕套等。

Below the depth of 50 cm the longshan historical and cultural crockery debris in the neolithic period are found and bellow the depth of 80 cm there still remain the piled mussel shell layers 在50厘米深度以下發現了新石器時代的山文化陶片在80厘米深度以下仍為堆積的蚌殼層。

But natasha would not give in . she pulled everything out , and began rapidly packing them again , deciding that the commoner rugs and crockery should not be taken at all 但娜塔莎毫不退讓她把全部東西騰出來,飛快地開始重新裝箱,決定陳舊的家常地毯和多余的器皿不必全要。

Back to its origin , the boulder , the huge baisu dragon and crockery in the chahai site of hong shan culture demonstrate that the chahai site is the jade dragon ' s source 追要溯源,前紅山文化查海遺址出土的玉器和巨型擺塑龍、陶塑龍片表明查海遺址是玉龍的源頭。

Honest jemima had all the bills , and the washing , and the mending , and the puddings , and the plate and crockery , and the servants to superintend 老實的吉米瑪工作多著呢,她得管賬,做布丁,指揮傭人,留心碗盞瓷器,還得負責上上下下換洗縫補的事情。

While you are on the phone , the baby pulls the tablecloth off the table , smashing half your best crockery and cutting himself in the process 就在你接電話時,孩子把桌布從桌子上扯下來,將家中最好的陶瓷餐具半數摔碎,同時也弄傷了他自己。

While you are on the phone , the baby pulls the table - cloth off the table . smashing half your best crockery and cutting himself in the process 你接電話時小孩把桌布扯了下來,把你最好的陶器打碎了一半,同時他還把自己磕破了。

Waggons , loaded up with household crockery , chairs , and cupboards , were constantly emerging from the gates of houses , and moving along the streets 滿載著家用食具,坐椅和柜子的大車,不斷地從住宅的大門里開出來,沿街行駛。

For a very posh picnic you ' d need a proper picnic hamper to hold the food complete with china crockery , metal cutlery and real wine glasses 一個非常高雅的野餐,你需要準備合適的野餐籃,裝入食品及瓷器/金屬刀具/及紅酒杯。

The upshot of which was , to smash this witness like a crockery vessel , and shiver his part of the case to useless lumber 盤問的結果是把那證詞像瓦罐一樣砸了個粉碎,也把證人在本案中所表演的角色駁了個體無完膚。

The auctioneer salted the mine by putting one valuable plate among a job lot of old crockery 這個拍賣商在一堆毫無價值的舊陶器中放上一個很有價值的盤子,這使人誤以為那些舊陶器也有價值。