
crock 短語和例子crock1n.1.(瓦)罐,(瓦)缸;碎瓦片...


Big drops were dripping from a broken waterspout , and a ray of gaslight slipped from mme bron s window and cast a yellow glare over a patch of moss - clad pavement , over the base of a wall which had been rotted by water from a sink , over a whole cornerful of nameless filth amid which old pails and broken crocks lay in fine confusion round a spindling tree growing mildewed in its pot 大滴大滴的水珠從水管的裂縫中滴下來。一道煤氣燈的燈光從布太太的窗子里射進來,把一段長了苔蘚的路面一段被廚房的排水溝的污水侵蝕了的墻根及整個堆滿了垃圾的角落映成了黃色,垃圾中有舊水桶和破壇碎罐,一口破鍋內竟然長出了一棵瘦小的衛矛。

On the basis of the initial experiment systems in this paper , the advantages and the disadvantages between the two experiment systems have been compared and analyzed , and matlab with simulink software has been used for the numerical simulation . on the basis of the artificial , the displacement curve , the velocity curve and the pressure curve of the oil crock are obtained 本文在初步確定了系統的兩種方案的基礎上,比較分析了各方案的優缺點,并對兩種方案運用matlabwithsimulink軟件包進行動態仿真,分別得出了系統的位移曲線、速度曲線和油缸上、下腔的壓力曲線。

( 1 ) the economic characteristics decide the development of world aquaculture . because of the character of denseness of resource and labour , countries which have longer coastline , more population and which are not developed have high output of aquatic product . because of the nature of aquatic consume , the demand of aquatic product is high , while less resources are allot in aquaculture in developed country , which decides the activity of international trade of aquatic , high value aquatic product favor to developed countries . because the high increase of world population , aquatic resource crock up increasingly . the output of aquatic product ca n ' t increase high in a longer time , but with the advance of 由于水產品生產的資源和勞動密集特征,沿海海岸線長、人口多、欠發達國家水產品產量高,發達國家、海岸線短、內陸水資源相對稀缺的國家水產品產量低。由于水產品消費具有兩重性、水產品需求彈性大的特點,發達國家對水產品需求量大,而發達國家的資源較少分配到水產品生產上,這就決定了水產品國際貿易比較活躍,并且高價值水產品流向發達國家。由于水產品的易腐特性,國際水產品貿易主要品種為水產加工品。

The cold sunlight of this spring evening peered invidiously upon the crocks and kettles , upon the bunches of dried herbs shivering in the breeze , upon the brass handles of the dresser , upon the wicker - cradle they had all been rocked in , and upon the well - rubbed clock - case all of which gave out the reproachful gleam of indoor articles abandoned to the vicissitudes of a roofless exposure for which they were never made 春天傍晚清冷的太陽,好像含有惡意似地照射著那些壇壇罐罐,照射著一叢叢在微風中索索發抖的枯草,照射著碗柜的銅把手,照射到他們所有的孩子都睡過的那個搖籃上,照射在那座被擦得發亮的鐘面上,太陽照射著所有這一切,這一切閃現著責備的亮光,好像在說,這些室內的物品,怎么會被扔到露天里來了。

Their large - veined udders hung ponderous as sandbags , the teats sticking out like the legs of a gipsy s crock ; and as each animal lingered for her turn to arrive the milk oozed forth and fell in drops to the ground 它們那些布滿粗大脈管的奶房沉重地垂在下面,就像是一個個沙袋,上面乳頭突起,好像吉普賽人使用的瓦罐的腳每一頭奶牛逗留在那兒,等著輪到自己擠奶,在它們等候的時候牛奶就從奶頭滲出來,一點一滴地落到地上。

Orbiter pilling snagging testers , impulse random tumble testers , tensile strength testers , thermo testers , crocking meters , ironing shrinkage testers , phenol yellowing testers as well as the specific washing and drying equipment for textile shrinkage testing 織物勾傷測試儀抗起毛球測試儀彈性織物拉伸測試儀升華牢度測試儀磨擦牢度測試儀熱燙縮率測試儀酚黃測試設備及楷模系列織物縮水率測試專用洗滌烘干設備

It requires patience from time to time for us to realize that god s dreams for us are not necessarily things that are microwave speed but they might be crock - pot speed . god s intention for us is to run a marathon and not a sprint 在今天這世界,要明白到我們人生最需要,就是忍耐等候神的時間這很困難,那等候耶和華的必重新得力, ?要使你如鷹展翅, ?要使你奔跑而不困倦,行走而不疲乏

Scottish division one leaders gretna did not know what had hit them as owen , launched back into action alongside fellow crock shola ameobi , showed just why he is one of the hottest properties around ? when fit 蘇格蘭球隊格雷塔隊的一個球員無法想像如果歐文和阿梅奧比同時爆發會形成怎樣的沖擊,他說歐文展示了他作為最炙手可熱的球員的價值。

The elastic webbings are pre shrunk by process of starch & iron or heat & iron so that their dimensional stability to washing , colour fastness to washing and crocking and perspiration are satisfactory 經過熱燙或漿湯縮水處理的橡根能保證滿意的洗水縮率、洗水及汗水洗滌后之脫色牢固度以及磨擦后之脫色牢固度。

Fiorentina are eyeing marchionni as a replacement for crocked midfielder mariano santana , but the player ' s agent , bruno carpeggiani , said : “ juventus doesn ' t want to sell marchionni 佛羅倫薩看中了馬爾基奧尼來替代沒用的中場馬里奧?桑塔納,但球員的經紀人布魯諾.卡佩賈尼說: “尤文圖斯不想賣馬爾基奧尼。

They were black with spilled water , and underneath them was a fine medley of dinted zinc jugs , slop pails and coarse yellow earthenware crocks 漆布被潑散的污水染黑了,木板下面亂糟糟地放著一些碰癟了的水罐,盛滿污水的水桶,黃色粗陶水罐。

They were cruelly tagged the crock and the flop but suddenly newcastle can boast potentially the most explosive strike force in the land 雖然紐卡斯爾現在的處境岌岌可危,但是他們所蘊藏的英超最犀利的鋒線組合很快即將爆發。

3 functional knit : anti - bacteria , absorbency , etc . ; polar fleece : jacquard , semi - micro , emboss , prints , shearking crocking 3功能系列:抗菌防臭加工,吸濕排汗,抗靜電,抗紫外線,環保etc

I see you ' ve got another car . at least you didn ' t have to pay much for that old crock 我知道你又買了一輛汽車,至少你不必花很多錢在那輛破舊得不能再用的車上了!

Crock inpulse . when turn over s degree is 90 degrees , stop turn over 起動液壓馬達翻轉架在液壓缸的推動下,開始轉動,當翻90度時停止翻轉

I ' m beginning to suffer from rheumatism , and at times i feel like a right old crock 我開始患風濕病了,常感覺似乎真象一名老朽了。

Crock generator , pulse 脈沖時鐘發生器

A shockingly ugly old creature , miss ; almost as black as a crock “一個丑得嚇人的老東西,小姐,差不多跟煤煙一般黑。 ”

It ' s a crock . boomtown money , big mansions , extravagant lifestyles 胡說八道,新興都市的金錢,高層大廈,奢靡的生活