
crochet n.1.鉤針編織(品)。2.【動物;動物學】趾鉤。短語和...


Guangdong shantou jinxihe crocheting factory locates the west side two kilometers of shantou international airport , beside the entrance of shanfen super highway at waisha and no . 324 national highway , the factory workshop area about 5000m2 , gather the section ? development ? design ? prouduce ? sale ? training in integral whole 廣東省汕頭市金禧鶴織造廠有限公司位于汕頭市國際機場西側二公里,汕汾高速公路外砂出入口旁邊,毗鄰國道324線,廠房面積伍仟平方米,集科研、開發、設計、生產、銷售、培訓為一體。

Guangdong shantou jinxihe crocheting factory locates the west side two kilometers of shantou international airport , beside the entrance of shanfen super highway at waisha and no . 324 national highway , the factory workshop area about 5000m2 , gather the section ? development ? design ? prouduce ? sale ? training in integral whole 廣東汕頭市金禧鶴織造廠位于汕頭市國際機場西側二公里,汕汾高速公路外砂出入口旁邊,毗鄰國道324線,廠房面積伍仟平方米,集科研、開發、設計、生產、銷售、培訓為一體。

The bohemian look is epitomized by janis joplin , who during her heyday set herself apart by going braless , wearing beads , velvet , fur , feather boas , her trademark bangles , crochet vest and leaving her hair au natural 詹妮斯?喬普林是波希米亞風的代表人物,她在其事業黃金期之時是特立獨行的? ?不穿胸罩、佩帶著珠子、天鵝絨、毛皮、羽毛圍巾、她特有的手鐲、粗針背心,而且不打理頭發。

She was raised in a very poor farm and she said , “ my mother used to always give me , i d look forward to it every year for my birthday . she used to give me a crocheted handkerchief . and that was my birthday gift every year . 媽媽在一個很貧窮的農莊長大,每年生日,婆婆都會給她一樣的禮物,就是一條編成的手帕,這也是我每年的生日禮物,我覺得這是我收過最貴重的禮物之一。

The name comez stands out in the industrial sector of the province of pavia , and is a global leader in machinery technology for the production of narrow fabrics : “ crochet machines “ and “ needle looms “ Comez公司的機器具有多功能、使用方便、產量和效率高等特色,且產品范圍極廣:花邊、緞帶、繃帶、邊條和金銀線鑲邊等,可供醫用和工業用及家用的花色紡紗和特色織品。

The business range of our company includes process semi - products and auxiliary products upon the requirements of customers , such as handwork embroidery , su embroidery , crochet and string of beads 公司承接世界各地客商有特殊要求指定加工的產品,包括刺繡、蘇繡、絨繡、鉤花、串珠等服飾的配套產品,半成品。

“ i wish you wouldn t be so late coming down to breakfast , “ she said , addressing jessica , while making for her crochet basket . “ now here the things are quite cold , and you haven t eaten . “我希望你不要這么遲遲不下去吃早飯, ”她一邊走過去拿她的鉤針籃,一邊對杰西卡說, “飯菜都涼了,可你還沒有吃。 ”

Now , the company has more than 1500 staff members . its main products include crocheted apparel , loosely knitted sweater , hand - made glove , shoe and cap , and other chinese traditional handicrafts 公司主要經營手鉤手織手繡機織毛衫梭織服裝等系列產品,暢銷美國英國日本韓國等十幾個國家。

She sat in the back while he got out a ladder and he got out some hammer and nails and put that whole tablecloth out . it was beautifully crochet . there was a cross in the middle 他拿出梯子錘子釘子,把桌布攤開,那是一塊很美麗的編織品,中間有一個十字架,根本看不出來后面有一個破洞。

Now , the company has more than 1500 staff members . its main products include crocheted apparel , loosely knitted sweater , hand - made glove , shoe and cap , and other chinese traditional 公司主要經營手鉤手織手繡機織毛衫梭織服裝等系列產品,暢銷美國英國日本韓國等十幾個國家。

It made so much sense that other booksellers started doing it as well : have fishing websites sell fishing books , and needlepoint websites sell books on knitting and crochet 這對于書籍銷售商來說也是意義非凡:釣魚網站出售釣魚用書,針織品網站出售關于針織和編織的書籍。

Faip _ s _ n _ c _ [ brandizzo , to ] fabbricazione italiana pizzi ; produzione di pizzi a tombolo , nastri elastici e rigidi a crochet , pizzi a crochet , profili , elastici , bordure 東北游戲網以游戲資訊、論壇、網吧聯盟、電子競技內容為主的綜合性游戲網站。

Publishers of australian craft patterns , craft books and paragon crochet and knitting books 主要從事各類外文版圖書的編譯出版。提供圖書查詢經銷商圖書發行等信息。

Manufacturer of knitted , woven and crocheted women s clothing including blouses , suits , and evening wear -提供商標注冊申請,商標法律諮詢及商標侵權案件的訴訟服務。

The crafts teacher is skillful in knitting , crocheting , embroidery , and the use of the hand loom 手工藝教師善于紡織、鉤編、刺繡和使用手搖織布機。

Crochet a sweater 用鉤針編織一件毛衣

She is good at crochet 她擅長鉤針編織。

I asked her to crochet a shawl for me 我請求她給我鉤一條圍巾。

We have a very wide selection of hand crochet article 我們的手鉤針編織品有很大的選擇余地。