
croc n.〔口語〕 = crocodile.


The 1 . 5 - meter ( 5 foot ) animal , named “ croc croc chan “ after the family that first spotted it in october , became a media star in a city better known for its gleaming skyscrapers than its wildlife 這條隨十月份首次發現它的那戶人家的姓取名為“陳鱷鱷”的1 . 5米長的動物,在這個以閃閃發光的摩天大樓聞名而不是以野生動植物聞名的城市里,已經成為了媒體明星。

To find answers he seeks out palaeontologist paul sereno , who is out in the parched sands of the sahara unearthing the fossil of an incredible example of a 35 - foot ancient crocodile that may be the largest croc that ever lived 為了探求答案,他找來了古生物學家塞瑞諾博士。塞瑞諾正在撒哈拉沙漠乾燥的沙中發掘一長35尺,可能是史上最大鱷魚的化石。

The swollen end of the snout houses an enormous cavity under the nostrils , meaning this croc may have had an enhanced sense of smell and a most unusual call 它們的口和鼻的尾端隆起,在鼻子下面形成一個巨大的門腔。這就意味著這種鱷魚有著超強的嗅覺以及非同一般的叫聲。

And unlike any other croc , living or extinct , supercroc ' s skull gets wider toward the front end , which is armed with a deadly row of enlarged incisors 與其他現存的或已經滅絕的鱷魚不同,至尊鱷魚的顱骨越往前越寬,里面布滿了致命的巨大門牙。

After measuring living crocodiles in the wild , sereno “ s team determined how long the super croc may have been and how much it probably weighed 測量過現存的野生鱷后,塞瑞諾的小組判定這只超級巨鱷可能具有的身長與體重。

Dr brady barr , inveterate croc lover , wants to know a lot more about where his favorite creature came from and how it evolved 酷愛鱷魚的爬蟲學家巴爾博士一直希望了解其鍾愛之鱷魚的來歷及進化。

The “ super croc “ was as long as a school bus , weighed as much as a small 1 ) whale , and had 2 ) jaws about five feet long 這只超級巨鱷有校車那麼長,跟小鯨一樣重,而且?的顎大約有五?長!

Axis flammenwerfer range increased to match croc flamer range . increased upgrade price to 125 munitions from 100 噴火車的射程增加到和鱷式相同。升級消耗彈藥從100增加到125 。

But the super croc wasn “ t alone ; it had plenty of dinosaurs to keep it 3 ) company - - and , of course , to eat 但這只超級巨鱷并不孤單; ?有許多恐龍可以做伴- -當然,也可以食用。

I was nine years old when i caught my first croc , and it ' s one of my greatest childhood memories 我9歲時抓到了生平第一條鱷魚,那是我最美好的童年回憶之一。

It was saturday morning and mr croc was having his usual big breakfast 大眼鍔魚先生在星期六的早晨,也會像往常一樣,吃上一頓豐盛的早餐。

Sereno believes that this super croc had reached only 80 % of its full size 塞瑞諾認為這只超級巨鱷只長到八成,尚未完全長大。

As well as croc . odiles 還有鱷.奧黛麗。

Extinction has trimmed the largest and smallest of the croc family 現在最大的和最小的鱷魚都已經滅絕了。

Tee - hee : there are two ways to disable an croc , you know 你知道,有兩種方法讓鱷魚失去殺傷力。

Paul sereno knows what it “ s like to go into croc shock 保羅塞瑞諾了解被鱷魚嚇到是什麼滋味。

I ' ii dive in that river and fight that croc myself 連我都愿意去跟鱷魚搏命

. . . i ' ii dive in that river and fight that croc myself 連我都愿意去跟鱷魚搏命