
croatian adj.克羅地亞的。


As the united states is seeking the disintegration of yugoslavia in the current yugoslav conflict , its media has vilified the serbs in its one - sided reports , ignoring the massacres of the serbs by croatians , bosnians and kosovo albanians 杭士基教授在前述四本討論到媒體控制的著作中,曾對80年代后,美國的媒體宣傳及控制有過詳細的討論及分析。

Mpri conducted a pilot program to evaluate the content and conduct of each course , emphasizing the development of qualified croatian instructors for follow - on presentations and assumption of responsibility for the total programs Mpri進行了試點評估的內容和進行的每門課程,強調發展合格克羅地亞教練給予后續介紹和承擔責任的總綱領

By 1995 , the croatian army had been reorganized and strengthened . it launched attacks on the serb - held territory . the croatian army recaptured most of the territory seized by the serbs in 1991 1995年,克羅地亞重組軍隊和加強軍事實力,向塞爾維亞?有的領土發動攻擊,克羅地亞軍隊最終重奪塞爾維亞人于1991年奪得的大部分土地。

The largest us company , military professional resources inc . ( mpri ) in alexandria , va . , made a name for itself by training the croatian army near the end of the yugoslav wars 弗吉尼亞州亞歷山德里亞的軍事專業資源股份有限公司( mpri )是美國最大的私營軍事公司,該公司因在南斯拉夫戰爭即將結束時向克羅地亞軍隊提供訓練而出名。

The largest us company , military profe ional resources inc . ( mpri ) in alexandria , va . , made a name for itself by training the croatian army near the end of the yugoslav wars 弗吉尼亞州亞歷山德里亞的軍事專業資源股份有限公司( mpri )是美國最大的私營軍事公司,該公司因在南斯拉夫戰爭即將結束時向克羅地亞軍隊提供訓練而出名。

Eduardo has made 12 appearances for the croatian national team scoring seven goals , including one of his country ' s goals in their 2 - 0 euro 2008 qualifier victory over england in october 2006 愛德華多12次代表克羅地亞國家隊出場并打入7球,其中包括在2006年10月的2008年歐洲杯預選賽中克羅地亞二比零戰勝英格蘭隊中的進球。

The us government approved program began with a survey of the croatian military training and education , personnel management programs and other functional area recommendations for the minister of defense 美國政府批準的計劃開始進行了一次調查,克羅地亞的軍事訓練和教育,人事管理計劃和其他功能區的建議,為國防部長

The area of strawberry hill is most closely defined with the south slavic immigrants , especially the croatians , who came in the late 19th century to seek greater opportunity and prosperity 草莓山丘一區常與南斯拉夫移民聯想在一起,尤其是克羅埃西亞人,他們在19世紀晚期遷徙來此,希望尋求更佳的生活機會及繁榮。

With master s help , i began remembering a few phrases in croatian that i had learned as a child , and used them with the lecture attendees , which seemed to create a closer bond between us 在師父的加持力下,我漸漸地記起一些小時候學過的克羅地亞的句子,并用來和聽經者交談,彼此之間的距離就更接近了。

After 18 minutes of the 2 - 3 defeat in bremen on saturday , the swiss - born coach had his croatian central defender joe simunic playing in defensive midfield alongside pal dardai 在周六2 - 3落敗不來梅的比賽進行了18分鐘后,這位瑞士籍教練讓他的克羅地亞中后衛喬伊?希姆尼奇與帕爾?達代并排出任防守型中場。

Emi releases the 3rd edition of the piano player of the popular pianist maksim mrvica to celebrate a success of the performing concert in hong kong . maskin is a croatian 超人氣時代鋼琴玩家maksim在香港演奏會演出成功后,現推出the piano player特別版,大碟演奏13首強勁節奏動聽古典鋼琴小品現代版

I felt a special affinity with the people of this area , since my grandparents came from neighboring croatia and the croatian and slovenian languages and cultures are very similar 我覺得跟這地區的人特別有緣,因為我的祖父母來自鄰國的克羅地亞。而克羅地亞跟斯洛維尼亞在語言及文化上都很相似。

Enu . exe includes bulgarian , croatian , romanian , serbian latin , slovak , slovenian , thai you can get specific information about this update in the microsoft knowledge base article - enu . exe包含保加利亞文,克羅埃西亞文,羅馬尼亞文,塞爾維亞文拉丁,斯洛伐克文,斯洛維尼亞文,泰文

The site provides the titles of the papers and full - text of papers ( pdf file ) in english and croatian from volume 57 , no . 1 , 1999 to volume 57 , no . 3 , 1999 網站提供了該期刊從1999年第57卷1期至1999年第57卷第3期的所有內容摘要和全文( pdf格式) ,有英語和克羅地亞語兩種語言。

A firefighting airplane tries to extinguish fire which broke out on a turkish cargo ship , about 15 miles off the northern croatian adriatic resort of rovinj on february 6 , 2008 2月6日,在克羅地亞北部旅游勝地倫尹15海里處,滅火直升機正在盡力撲滅一艘土耳其貨輪上的大火。

Maskin is a croatian . he was born in 1975 and he started to learn to play piano since 9 . at the same age , he opened a recital , and joined a band to play concerto Maksim是克羅地亞人, 1975年生于阿德利亞海岸德一個小鎮,九歲開始學鋼琴,同年即開recital ,三年后跟樂隊夾協奏曲

Marijana grisnik , a croatian american born in 1936 , captured everyday life with her colorful paintings of the strawberry hill neighborhood in kansas city , kansas 葛瑞斯尼科生于1936年,是一位克羅埃西亞裔美國人,她用她的彩色畫作,捕捉了堪薩斯市草莓山丘的日常生活。

A court in the croatian capital zagreb called a four - year - old girl to give testimony about a traffic accident which happened when she was two , a news report said 克羅埃西亞首都札格雷步的一間法庭傳喚一名四歲女童,就一樁她兩歲時發生的交通意外作證,新聞報導指出。

However it now seems that stendardo will instead move to ac milan , with the experienced croatian international dario simic going the other way as part of the deal 不過現在看來,斯滕達爾多可能會轉會到ac米蘭,作為交換經驗豐富的克羅地亞國家隊球員西米奇的一部分。