
croatia n.克羅地亞(國名)。


A loss for croatia would see england needing to beat them by two goals or more to book a place in next summer ' s finals 英格蘭只需要進兩個球來擊敗克羅地亞,或者可以更多,他們將取得晉級權。

England ' s qualification hopes took a knock late last year with a draw against fyr macedonia and defeat in croatia 英格蘭隊的晉級資格的希望被在上一年打平fyr馬其頓和敗給克羅地亞后受到打擊。

Holland , croatia , the czech republic and mexico , who have leaped 16 places , have all overtaken mcclaren ' s team 荷蘭,克羅地亞,捷克共和國,以及飆升16位的墨西哥,都超過了麥克拉倫的隊伍。

In croatia , forces of the yugoslav people ' s army bombard dubrovnik after laying siege there since may 1991年,在克羅地亞,自從5月包圍杜勃羅文克以來,南斯拉夫人民軍的武裝對其實施了炮轟。

Specification of arrangements government of the republic of croatia concerning air services avoidance of double taxation order 安排指明克羅地亞共和國政府關于民用航空服務避免雙重課稅令

Other countries with two reds were italy , croatia , the czech republic , the netherlands , portugal and serbia - montenegro 被出示兩張紅牌的球隊還包括意大利克羅地亞捷克荷蘭葡萄牙和塞黑。

But i scored my first england goal against croatia and also scored against them in euro 2004 但是我代表英格蘭的第一個進球是對陣克羅地亞時打進的,在2004年的歐錦賽上我也取得了進球。

The 27 - year - old will be a major loss if england face croatia with a realistic chance of euro 2008 qualification 這位27歲的前鋒缺席對克羅地亞的比賽,對英格蘭的晉級將是最大的損失。

If they think they can beat those teams to win the cup , croatia , ukraine and belarus should be easy 如果他們認為能夠擊敗這些球隊奪杯,那么克羅地亞,烏克蘭和白俄應該很容易對付。

Climatological information for albania , bosnia and herzegovina , croatia , italy , malta and serbia montenegro 意大利克羅地亞波斯尼亞塞爾維亞和黑山共和國阿爾巴尼亞及馬耳他

“ we ' ll cling to the belief that israel can do us a favour against russia and we ' ll win against croatia “我們要祈禱以色列厚待我們,他們阻止俄羅斯,同時我們要贏克羅地亞。

5th international ceramic competition 98 mino , japan triennial of small ceramics , zagreb , croatia 日本美濃, 98第五屆國際陶藝競賽克羅地亞薩格勒布,小型陶瓷作品三年展

England ' s hopes depend on saturday ' s games when russia ' s play israel and croatia visit macedonia 這位27歲的前鋒缺席對克羅地亞的比賽,對英格蘭的晉級將是最大的損失。

This union lasted until 1991 when croatia claimed independence , which prompted a serbian invasion 而1991年,克羅地亞公投決定脫離南斯拉夫,這引發了塞爾維亞的入侵。

Assosiation of autonomous trade unions of croatia : zagreb ; f . 1990 ; pres . - dragutin lesar 克羅地亞自治工會聯合會:薩格勒布; 1990年成立;主席德拉古廷?萊薩爾。

Darren bent has been called up to the england squad ahead of wednesday ' s crucial euro 2008 qualifier with croatia 達倫本特被征召進本周三對克羅地亞的關鍵一役。

The 1991 to 1995 war in croatia destroyed many lives and left survivors traumatised 克羅埃西亞從1991年到1995年的戰爭,摧毀了許多的生命,也讓存活的人身心創傷。

This is why serbia & montenegro is in and russia , croatia and south korea are out 這就是為什么塞爾維亞為什么能進入世錦賽,而俄羅斯,克羅地亞和韓國被排除在外。

And remember world cup 1998 semi - finalist croatia it also has a population of three million 還記得1998年世界杯半決賽隊伍克羅地亞?這個國家的人口也是300萬!