
croat n.克羅地亞人[語]。


But just at the point where roddick seemed to have taken a hold on the match after taking the fourth set tiebreak 9 - 7 on a ljubicic double fault , it was the croat who raised his level , winning the first eight points of the final set , and breaking a second time to win by a reasonable distance 依仗柳比西奇的發球雙誤,羅迪克以9 - 7取得了第四盤搶七的勝利.但事實上,他的對手在提高著比賽的水平.第五盤一上來,柳比西奇便沒有再給羅迪克任何機會.他連贏8分,并在恰當的時間和地點兩次破掉羅迪克的發球局

A montenegrin serb by birth , he liked to follow events in the land of his birth , and one of the serbo - croat newspapers to which he subscribed reflected the heterodox communism of yugoslavia , the southern slav union into which serbia and montenegro had been swept up 他父親是門的內哥羅的塞爾維亞人出生,并且其父親總是樂于參與家鄉的各大事件,而且其父親訂閱的一份塞爾維亞-克羅地亞報紙就反映了南斯拉夫(塞爾維亞與門的內哥羅被肅清后組成的一個斯拉夫南部聯盟)的異端共產主義。

Montenegrin serb by birth , he liked to follow events in the land of his birth , and one of the serbo - croat newspapers to which he subscribed reflected the heterodox communism of yugoslavia , the southern slav union into which serbia and montenegro had been swept up 他父親是門的內哥羅的塞爾維亞人出生,并且其父親總是樂于參與家鄉的各大事件,而且其父親訂閱的一份塞爾維亞-克羅地亞報紙就反映了南斯拉夫(塞爾維亞與門的內哥羅被肅清后組成的一個斯拉夫南部聯盟)的異端共產主義。

A region of southwest yugoslavia bordering on the adriatic sea . an ancient balkan state , it long resisted the turks and from1910 to1918 was an independent kingdom . montenegro then joined the newly formed kingdom of the serbs , croats , and slovenes , which became yugoslavia after1929 黑山南斯拉夫西南部一地區,位于亞得里亞海沿岸。古代巴爾干國,它長期抵抗土耳其,并于1910至1918年間成為獨立王國。后來加入了由塞爾維亞、克羅地亞和斯洛文尼亞新組成的王國,這一王國在1929年后成為南斯拉夫

10 people , all speaking only their different native languages , come together to have diner : russian , german , litaunian , portuguese , korean , arabian , cantonese , bulgar , hebraic and serbo - croat 十個人,所有人都說著他們本國的語言,聚在一起吃飯。這些語言是俄語,德語,意大利語,葡萄牙語,韓語,阿拉伯語,廣東話,保加利亞語,希伯來語,和塞爾維亞語。

At 1 . 94m the powerfully built defender would be of benefit to any bundesliga defence , amd dortmund have previously shown interest in the giant croat , but have been cautious due to his injuries 身高1 . 94米的高大后衛對任何的德甲后防都是一個好的補充,多特蒙德早就對這名克羅地亞巨人表達出了興趣,但因為他的傷勢所以比較小心謹慎。

At 1 . 94m the powerfully built defender would be of benefit to any bundesliga defence , amd dortmund h * * e previously shown interest in the giant croat , but h * * e been cautious due to his injuries 身高1 . 94米的高大后衛對任何的德甲后防都是一個好的補充,多特蒙德早就對這名克羅地亞巨人表達出了興趣,但因為他的傷勢所以比較小心謹慎。

“ it was strange , really , “ he says . “ their fans , who were obviously all croats , kept whistling and jeering at the yugoslavia team and at the serb player dragan stojkovic in particular “真的很奇怪“他說, “大部分是克羅地亞人的球迷,不停的吹著口哨,為南斯拉夫隊吶喊助威,塞爾維亞球員達干?斯托克維奇十分搶眼。

For years , reconciliation in post - war mostar was slower than anywhere else in bosnia . but the reconstruction of the city ' s old bridge last year has helped reunite muslim and croat communities separated by the river 出生在美國舊金山的李小龍因出演多部功夫影片而風靡世界,他在32歲時因腦部水腫而去世。

He said mostar , scene of fighting between muslims and croats in 1993 - 1994 , needed a symbol of justice , mastery and honesty - virtues upheld by the late chinese - american actor 在加塔羅看來,這座城市迫切需要一個“能夠代表正義知識和誠實的符號” ,而這些品德也正是那位美籍華裔影星所推崇的。

Wenger has been reluctant to sign anyone over the age of 26 since croat striker davor suker flopped at arsenal and city boss eriksson is pursuing the same policy 自放棄克羅地亞前鋒達沃-蘇克以來,溫格一直不愿簽署任何超過26歲的球員,現在曼市領隊埃里克森追求同樣的政策。

“ i spoke with director of sport alessio secco and decided to stay , whether it ' s in b or a , ” announced the croat defender “我已經同阿列西奧?塞科談過了,無論我們是在甲級還是乙級,我都將留下來”這位克羅地亞后衛宣誓。

Italy made a sluggish start to the game as the croats dominated early on , but the second - half introduction of rossi gave the hosts renewed vigour 早些時候意大利隊的開場賽遇到挫折,但是下半場羅西的出場讓主隊有了起色。

Montenegro then joined the newly formed kingdom of the serbs , croats , and slovenes , which became yugoslavia after 1929 后來加入了由塞爾維亞、克羅地亞和斯洛文尼亞新組成的王國,這一王國在1929年后成為南斯拉夫。

The kingdom of serbs , croats and slovenes ( later known as the kingdom of yugoslavia ) is proclaimed 1918年,塞爾維亞、克羅地亞和斯洛文尼亞王國(后來的南斯拉夫)宣布成立。

The generals suite and an escort of croats galloped after the coach 侍從們和克羅地亞人的護衛隊乘坐輕騎在車后疾馳。

The serbs claimed the croats charged them first 塞爾維亞人聲稱應該先讓克羅地亞人負責。

Language : the principal language is serbo - croat 語言:通用語言為塞爾維亞克羅地亞語。