
croaker n.1.哇哇叫的東西。2.喊冤者,抱怨者。3.預報兇事者...


Our main range of imported seafood includes frozen white shrimp , black tiger prawn , king prawn banana shrimp , south american white shrimp , ribbon fish , cuttlefish , sole fish , pomfret , croaker , seabass , salmon , greenland halibut , greenland halibut ( whole round , h / g & tailed ) greenland halibut head , greenland halibut tail , ray wing etc 主要經營范圍:進口冷凍白蝦、草蝦、王蝦、香蕉蝦、南美白對蝦,帶魚、墨魚、鯧魚、姑魚、銀雪魚,舌鰨、三文魚,比目魚,比目魚頭,比目魚身,比目魚尾,鰩魚翅等。

Since the company got in 2002 the right to export its own products , it has marketed icy fresh aquatic products and frozen processing products such as big yellow croakers , red sea bream , prawn , crab , eels , mackerel , silver pomfret , octopus , erdu clam , flowery clam , striped clam , oyster , fresh oyster , silver shell and so on . its products are sold not only to the domestic big and middle cities , but also to america , south korean , european communities , canada , japan , singapore , and southeastern asian region 自2002年獲得自營進出口權以來,生產經營的大黃魚真鯛對蝦蟹鰻魚馬鮫昌魚章魚等魚類及二都蚶花蛤玟蛤牡蠣生蠔銀貝等貝類冰鮮海產品和冷凍加工品,除銷往國內各大中小城市外,還遠銷美國韓國歐盟加拿大日本新加坡等東南亞地區。

In the fishery products processing factory , there are two 100 ton cold storage of hypothermia , 5 large - scale manufacturing lines of drying out , the main products : dried scallop - post meat , dried squid , flavouring dried sand borers , bluefin leatherhacket , flavouring dried clam meat , flavouring dried yellow croaker , flavouring dried squilla oratoria meat , flavouring dried squilla oratoria leg , flavouring dried right - eyed flounders , flavouring dried scallop meat , fresh dried small silvery fish , fresh dried small gril fish , flavouring dried needle fish , dried cynoglossus robustus , dried red shrimp etc series seafood . sell well japan , korea hongkong etc country and region , freezed fishery products japanese spanish mackerel , silery pomfret , yellow croaker , squid , prawn , scallop - post meat , laminaria filum etc , very loved by the firends from home and abroad 噸低溫冷藏庫2座,五條烘干大型生產線。主要生產的產品有:干貝柱調味扇貝干馬布魚干沙丁魚干馬面魚干魷魚干小雞胸肉干等系列干品,暢銷日本韓國香港等國家和地區冷凍水產品有:單凍鲅魚鯧魚黃花魚魷魚大蝦扇貝丁海帶絲等深受海內外客戶的歡迎。集團公司擁有自營進出口權,年出口干鮮扇貝丁

Wwf kicked off the oceans 10 programme last year to raise public awareness on our marine environment by highlighting 10 marine species found in hong kong waters . these include brain coral , chinese bahaba , chinese white dolphin , green turtle , horseshoe crab , hong kong grouper , mudskipper , seagrass , purple sea urchin and yellow croaker . through a standalone website at 世界自然基金會去年展開海洋十寶項目,透過介紹10個棲居在本港水域的海洋生物品種,包括扁腦珊瑚黃唇魚中華白海豚綠海馬蹄蟹紅斑彈涂魚矮大葉藻紫海膽和黃花魚,推動大眾關注海洋環境。

The company has maintained the title of “ an unit following contract and paying attention to credit “ for five years in succession , and it once got honorary titles of “ advanced privately - employed enterprise “ , “ honest big yellow croaker enterprise “ , “ leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization “ and like forth 公司連續五年被評為“守合同重信用單位” 。先后榮獲“先進民營企業” “誠信大黃魚企業” “農業產業化頭企業”等榮譽稱號。

I was fairly mad at him . dame archer brought the cherub down to master , in the house , and his face just began to light up , then the old croaker steps forward , and says he : earnshaw , it s a blessing your wife has been spared to leave you this son 我都要對他發火啦,奧徹太太把這小天使抱到大廳給主人看,他臉上才有喜色,那個老家伙就走上前,他說:恩蕭,你的妻給你留下這個兒子真是福氣。

Saute pork shreds in a wok , drop in chilli shreds , scallion and ginger shreds , saute , add shredded mushrooms , shredded winter bamboo shoots , shredded hot pickled mustard tuber , then add soy sauce , pepper , cooking wine and msg , stir - fry well , pour over the croaker 另鍋下油,煸炒肉絲,下泡辣椒絲蔥姜絲煸炒,再放入香菇絲冬筍絲榨菜絲,加醬油胡椒粉料酒味精炒勻,出鍋后澆在魚上

Here grow many fine fruits and vegetables such as mushrooms , longans , litchis , bamboo shoots , pomelos , peaches , persimmons as well as famous and unique seafood like yellow croakers , rockfish , paired shrimps , oyster and erdu blook clams 境內盛產食用菌、龍眼、荔枝、筍、柚、桃、柿等果蔬佳品和大黃魚、石斑魚、對蝦、牡蠣、二都蚶等名優特海產品。

Frozen shrimp , frozen angel fish , frozen poulp squid , iqf suqid tubes , frozen swimming crab , iqf seafood mix , frozen cut swimming crab , frozen hairtail , frozen pomfret , frozen yellow croaker , and anyother frozen seafoods 凍蝦(仁) 、凍一去安康魚、凍章魚、凍魷魚胴體、凍梭子蟹、海鮮配菜、凍切蟹、凍帶魚、凍昌魚、凍黃花魚、其他水產制品。

The marine species of the “ ocean s 10 “ programme include the brain coral , chinese bahaba , chinese white dolphin , green turtle , hong kong grouper , horseshoe crab , mudskipper , sea grass , purple sea urchin and yellow croaker 海洋十寶項目選出的10種海洋生物包括扁腦珊瑚黃唇魚中華白海豚綠海紅斑馬蹄蟹彈涂魚矮大葉藻紫海膽與黃花魚。

Transient species such as the yellow croaker and melon seed , typically found off northern china and japan , bolster the resident marine fauna when the monsoonal flow brings in cooler waters 此外,還有一些基本上在中國北部及日本水域出沒的過境品種,諸如黃花魚及瓜核魚,這些魚類隨著較涼的季節性水流來港,令該段時間本港的海洋動物數量大增。

Their love of seafood has also given rise to many different ways of preparing and cooking fish - for instance , the quintessential yellow croaker cooked either in sugar vinegar sauce or with garlic and ginger 上海菜里包點面條和餃子往往是主角,米飯只是其次。上海人對海鮮也情有獨鍾,例如黃魚也有多款炮制方法,多以糖醋烹調。

The selected marine species of the “ ocean s 10 “ programme are the brain coral , chinese bahaba , chinese white dolphin , green turtle , hong kong grouper , horseshoe crab , mudskipper , sea grass , purple sea urchin and yellow croaker 海洋十寶包括扁腦珊瑚黃唇魚中華白海豚綠海紅斑馬蹄蟹彈涂魚矮大葉藻紫海膽和黃花魚。

But the trout that raises artificially and catfish , shrimp , left mouth , pacific ocean is 3 article fish , yellow croaker , medium atlantic blue crab and fish of black silk crab , pregnant woman can install complete edible 但人工飼養的鱒魚及鯰魚、蝦、左口、太平洋三文魚、黃魚、中大西洋藍蟹及黑絲蟹魚,孕婦可安全食用。

Cut crab , tibbonfish , frozen squid ( t + t ) , frozen squid ( r + t ) , frozen breaded squid rings ( iqf ) , tubes ( iqf ) , octopus , swimming crab , scampi , yellow croaker , silver butter - fish , monkfish , pud 切蟹、帶魚、魷魚、魷魚圈、面包魷魚圈、魷魚胴體、章魚、梭子蟹、海螯、蝦、黃魚、鯧魚、安康魚、凍蝦仁等。

It can be seen that the large yellow croakers “ pseudosciaena crocea “ richardson cultured in the current - resistence submerged cages have big heads , fine candal peduncles and good body shapes 由此反映了深海抗風浪網箱養出來的大黃魚頭大、尾柄細、體形較傳統網箱養殖大黃魚瘦長。

Ningde xiawei foodstuff co . , ltd . comes from its former “ ningde xiawei aquatic product co . , ltd . “ that was founded in 1999 , mainly engaged in the selling of big yellow croakers 寧德市夏威食品有限公司前身為“寧德市夏威水產養殖有限公司” ,創立于1999年,主要經銷大黃魚。

Croaker fish and mantis shrimp , for example , are two important fishery resources in soko waters . mantis shrimp is one of the fishery catches in soko waters 大小鴉洲水域早被公認為重要的魚類產卵和育苗場地,例如白黃花和瀨尿蝦等都是大小鴉洲范內兩種重要的漁業資源。

Here are the center of famous fishing ground - - zhoushan fishing ground , it ' s also main ground of the larger and small yellow croakers 這里也是全國著名漁場舟山漁場的中心地帶,南北的岱衢洋與黃澤洋自成一線,是大小黃魚的主要產地。