
croak n.1.(鴉、蛙等的)哇哇的鳴聲;嗄聲。2.怨言,牢騷。...


Then the bandit thrice imitated the cry of a crow ; a croak answered this signal . - good 于是那強盜學了三聲雞叫,一聲老鴉叫答復了這個暗號。好!

They halted by the bier and the priest began to read out of his book with a fluent croak 他們在柩架前停下步子。神父嗄聲流暢地讀起他那本書來。

Croaked joseph , catching an opportunity , from our hesitation , to thrust in his evil tongue 約瑟夫嗄聲說,趁我們在猶豫時,就抓住機會進讒言。

Carl croaks , “ i know you ' re keen , but no zebra is meant to be green ! 卡爾說:我知道你很想試穿我的皮大衣,可是斑馬不應該是綠色的。

A frog is the only living thing that has more lives than a cat . it croaks every night 青蛙是惟一比貓兒更多命的生物。因為它每晚呱呱叫。

When he saw little thumbelina in her tiny cradle , he croaked with delight 當他看見小床里的拇指姑娘時,興奮的呱呱大叫起來。

Croak , kick the bucket 殺呀,踢死那家伙

Hey , if you do croak 嗨,如果你死翹翹了

Hey , if you do croak . . 嗨,如果你死翹翹了

Belinda : duh . unless you want to be stuck with the same car till it 4 ) croaks 貝琳達:廢話。除非你想開到它報廢為止!

Ride like there ' s no tomorrow ! till the day we get old and croak 溜冰終究不能成為終身事業一直等到我們變老

The hungry man repeated , in a rapturous croak , magnificent 帶著渴望神情的人發出低沉的狂歡聲, “妙極了! ”

Why ? shouid i just croak over 怎么?巴不得我死掉吧?

That must never be , croaked jacques three ; no one must escape “絕不能讓他們跑掉, ”雅克三號低沉地說。

Croaking - please don ' t die , beans 千萬不要死啊,小豆子

When you croak , man , you ' re gonna leave something behind 在你發牢騷的時候,老兄,你忘記了一些事。

Why ? did his old man croak or something 為什么?他老爸掛了?

She ' s had two husbands , both croaked , 她有過兩個丈夫,都死掉了

Croaked the man with the craving 那帶著渴望神情的人低沉地說。