
critter n.〔方言〕動物等 (= creature)。


Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 然而淡水對于從蜻蜓、比拉魚到海? 、牛蛙等一系列的野生動物和人類的生存來說,是極其重要的。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 現今它對人類和眾多的動物來說是至關重要的,從蜻蜓、水虎魚到海貍和牛蛙都離不開它。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 然而它卻是人類和各種生物維持生命所必需的,從蜻蜓和水虎魚到海貍和牛蛙都離不開它。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 但它對人類和眾多生物的生存是至關重要的,這些生物范圍從蜻蜓和水虎魚到海貍和牛蛙

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 但是它對人類和眾多生物的生存卻是至關重要的,如:從蜻蜓和水虎魚到海貍和牛蛙等。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 不過,它對于人類的和家畜的生存是必要的,從蜻蜓和水虎魚到海貍和牛蛙都離不開它。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 但是它對人類以及各種動物(從蜻蜓和水虎魚到海貍和牛蛙)的生存,都顯得十分重要。

Though he was cast in his first movie in 1991 , leo would rather forget his minor and embarassing contribution to critters iii altogether 1995年,萊昂納多在藍球日記中塑造了一個個性鮮明的吸毒作家形象。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 然而這對人類的生存以及廣泛的生物從蜻蜓,水虎魚到河狐和牛蛙都是至關重要的。

This voracious critter is covered with sharp spines that can cause considerable pain when touched ( so , don ' t touch ' em 這種貪婪的怪物滿身都是尖刺,如被刺到會產生巨烈的疼痛(所以千萬不要碰它們! )

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 然而,它是從蜻蜓、水虎魚到海貍、牛蛙的大量生物以及人類賴以生存的關鍵。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 然而淡水對人類,對從蜻蜓到水虎魚乃至從海貍到牛蛙的生存都至關重要。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 它是涉及到人類生存和從蜻蜓、小魚到水獺、牛蛙的廣泛生物的生命源泉。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 然而它卻是人類和廣泛生物生存的必需,從蜻蜓、水虎魚到海貍和牛蛙。

Pisces pets are the most empathetic . you could have shared a past life experience with these lovely critters 雙魚座的寵物最容易使你投入感情。你可以和這種可愛的小動物共同分享過去的生活經歷。

The critter kids old hideout is now a shop , offering an assortment of critter - themed apparel , woodcrafts and stationery 秘密窩小動物們年幼時玩捉迷藏的洞穴,如今變成一間有趣的小店里。

Munch usually gets the critters to move at least a little bit , and he comes back with a triumphant smile 麥奇通常能把這些家畜趕動一丁點兒,然后帶著得意洋洋的笑容回到我身邊。

Feel free to drop by and try some of her down home cookin in this cozy , critter - style counter - service restaurant 來到動物天地,可別忘了到這個宛若洞穴的餐廳來品嘗一下

Hex - temporarily transforms an enemy unit into a random critter , disabling special abilities 巫術-使一個敵人單位暫時變成隨機的中立生物,特殊的殘廢法術