
criticize vt.,vi.批評,批判;鑒定;校勘;非議,非難,挑剔。


Don ' t be so sensitive - i was not criticizing you 別那么敏感,我不是在批評你。

I just saved your life , and you ' re criticizing me 我剛救了你的命你卻在批評我

In the most cutting of his satires elmer gantry, published in 1927, lewis criticizes false religion, drawing the wrath of living evangelist like billy sunday . 劉易斯在其最尖刻的諷刺作品1927年出版的《埃爾默甘特里》中,批判了虛偽的宗教,從而使當時的布道者如比利森戴等大為惱火。

The use of electrostatic theorem to explain chemical bonding has been criticized on the grounds of that it hides the important role of kinetic energy in bonding . 應用靜電定理以闡明化學成鍵,基于它隱藏了功能在成鍵中的重要作用,曾受到了批評。

He set up a school at the lyceum in athens and taught, criticizing pluto and socrates with a certain hardness . 他在雅典的學園設壇講學,對柏拉圖和蘇格拉底批判的多少有些苛刻。

We do not want to cover up the mistake on this, of course, and we have criticized those who have done this . 當然,我們不想掩蓋在這件事上的錯誤,我們已經批評了做這件事的人。

You can do a great many things if you're rich which would be severely criticized if you were poor . 有許多事,你窮的時候做,會受到嚴厲的指責,但現在你有了錢,你都可以做。

Mrs tulliver's sisters, who had married well, criticized mr. tulliver's unseemly ambition . 塔利弗夫人的姐妹們都已結了婚,生活得很好。她們批評塔利弗的不切實際的抱負。

She criticized any overt display of emotion and attempts at open rebellion against the ruling power . 凡是明顯的感情流露或者公開反抗執政黨的企圖,她都批評。

Shvabrin criticized the poem severely and went on to make derogatory remarks about maria . 希瓦卜林極力貶低這首詩,并說了許多詆毀瑪利亞的話。

“ why should she have criticized me ? “ , he wondered. then he was suddenly enlightened and began to feel relieved . “她干嗎要批評我呢?

“why didn't he give me warning as i came in from the sea?“ grief criticized . “我進港時,他為什么不給我發個信號呢?”格里菲責怪地說。

Madame merle, as we know, had been very discreet hitherto; she had never criticized . 我們知道,梅爾夫人一向十分謹慎,從不疾言厲色。

We criticized you because we wanted to help you , not in order to find fault with you . 我們批評你是為了幫助你,絕不是跟你過不去。

It was he who taught us, who criticized us, who would never let us rest . 他教導我們,他批評我們,他永遠不讓我們懈怠。

He criticized them very freely, in a positive, off-hand way . 他無拘無束地批評他們,常常脫口而出,語氣卻又十分肯定。

He spared her feelings by not criticizing her husband in front of her . 他沒當她的面說她丈夫的不是,以免使她難堪。

He also criticized the concepts, methods, and goals of the bookish scholars . 他也批判了書呆子的概念、方法和目標。

My mother was learning that she could criticize me without crushing me . 母親也開始領悟,批評我并不會使我沮喪。