
criticism n.1.批評,批判,評論;非難。2.鑒定,審定,考證,校...


He hates criticism . 他討厭人家批評他。

This article will no doubt come in for a great deal of criticism . 這篇文章無疑會受到很多批評。

He apologised for the criticism which he had not expressed . 他對未明顯表達出來的批評表示歉意。

The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung byron . 這本詩集受到的應有的非難刺痛了拜倫的心。

Despite her criticisms , she is basically very fond of you . 別看她批評你,她其實很喜歡你。

Despite our repeated criticisms , he remains unchanged . 盡管我們一再批評,他還是依然如故。

He always turns a deaf ear to other people 's criticism . 他對別人對他的批評總是聽而不聞。

She would be an easy victim of scientific criticism . 她準會成為科學批評不堪一擊的犧牲品。

Her criticism struck home . 她的批評切中要害。

This claim, i think, is dispelled by our criticism . 我認為這個論點已被我們的批評所駁倒。

She could not suffer criticism . 她受不了批評。

I am greatly indebted to you for your criticisms and help . 我非常感激你的批評和幫助。

Nobody is immune from criticism . 誰都難免受批評。

We echo lowell's criticism . 我們同意洛威爾的意見。

His enthusiasm was sincere and his criticism acute . 他的熱情是真實的,評論是深刻的。

His latest novel has come in for a lot of criticism . 他最近的小說已受到了很多批評。

Criticism should be aimed at helping those criticized . 批評應該是與人為善的批評。

Thoreau knew his position was open to criticism . 梭羅知道他的立場很容易為人非議。

A storm of criticism was raised by his new novel . 他的小說招致了極其激烈的批評。