
criticise vt.,vi.=criticize.


But now the planned construction of a high speed train tunnel close to the building ' s foundation has been criticised 不過現在計畫興建的高速火車隧道,離大教堂建筑物的基地很近,遭到了批判。

The director of audit criticised the government su lies department for stock - piling equipment that would not be used up in 100 years 審計署署長批評政府物料供應處部份存貨用一百年也用不完。

“ i criticise him mainly for the way in which he treats his players . now half of the real madrid squad are against him “我譴責他主要是因為他對待球員的方法,現在,半數的皇馬隊員對他有意見.

The agency has also been criticised for accepting poor data from member countries which may downplay bad news 該組織也曾被批評接受成員國提供的低報數據,因為有些國家可能對壞消息淡化處理。

America and western europe should certainly be criticised for failing to avert the terrible events in rwanda and the balkans 盧旺達大屠殺和巴爾干半島局勢的出現,美國和西歐理應受到指責。

Police were criticised by some for requiring that protests be carried out at designated areas away from the main forum venue 有人指責警方要求抗議者在論壇舉行場地以外的指定地方活動。

This practice , which has been criticised by linguists and intellectuals in china , is gaining popularity here 中國也曾出現過這種風氣,招致語言學者和文化界人士的批評。此風在本地尤盛。

This practice , which has been criticised by linguists and intellectuals in china , is gaining popularity here 中國也曾出現過這種風氣,招致語言學者和文化界人士的批評。此風在本地尤盛。

Carlo ancelotti has criticised alberto gilardino ' s san siro performance and thought milan deserved a penalty 安切洛蒂對吉拉蒂諾在圣西羅的表現提出了批評,并認為米蘭應該獲得一個點球。

“ it ' s frustrating but i can ' t criticise the players because we deserved to win , “ said benitez “很讓人失望,但是我不能批評隊員們,他們已經盡力了,我們應該贏的。 ”貝尼特斯很無奈。

Mao was quite willing to avoid tedious or uncomfortable meetings , particularly when he was likely to be criticised 毛喜歡避開沉悶的或讓人不快的會議,尤其是當他不想被批評的時候。

I know that some in the community will criticise us for not putting forward concrete constitutional development proposals 我知道,會有人批評說,現時為何不推出具體的政改方案。

For long , we have cared little how outsiders look upon us . we hardly care whether they praise or criticise us 過去,我們似乎不太在乎外國人的看法,展現的是一種笑罵由人的態度。

Bibles cannot be openly bought at bookshops in a country long criticised for intolerance of religion 一個國家,不能在書店圣經買到圣經。這一點長期被批評為沒有宗教寬容。

It is quite easy to criticise , but it is much harder to create something better than my own theory 這肯定會飽受批評的,便是要創建比我們的理念更好的東東出來就更難了。

Some of the vocational training council s courses have been criticised for not meeting market demand 職業訓練局過去一些課程被批評與實際需求脫節,現時已經有所改進。

“ he is quite right , “ returned beauchamp ; “ for i criticise him without knowing what he does “他說得很對, ”波尚答道, “因為我在批評他的時候也并不知道他在干什么。

So vital , yet , a translator is taken for granted , once introduced . . . when he not being criticised 翻譯工作者如此重要,卻被輕描淡寫地一筆帶過… …除非他們遭到批評!

In the rosy restaurant , filled with the merry lovers of late hours , she found herself criticising this man 她發現自己在挑這個男人的毛玻他太做作,太固執己見了。