
critical adj.1.批判的,批評的;(在某方面)有鑒定力的 (i...

critical acumen

It is difficult enough to be critical of our own mistakes . 對我們自己的錯誤采取批評的態度確實非常困難。

Critical temperatures are only now being determined for forest trees . 臨界溫度現已在林木方面有所判定。

The technique requires critical and difficult optical alignments . 這種技術要求嚴格,并且光學調整困難。

In most critical areas china has been a stabilizing force . 在大部分動亂地區,中國一直是一種穩定力量。

The president faced a critical situation in september of that year . 在那年9月,總統面臨著嚴重的局勢。

Preoperative pulmonary insufficiency represents a critical problem . 手術前肺功能不全成為一關鍵問題。

He looked at his daughter in an astounded and critical way . 他帶著非常詫異,責怪的神情看著他的女兒。

The month of september must be regarded as critical in the extreme . 應當把9月看作是極其吃緊的關頭。

Her audacity in this critical moment encouraged us . 她在關鍵時刻表現出來的無畏精神鼓舞了我們大家。

Its critical reception ranged from indifference to hostility . 評論界的反應不佳,從冷談到反對都有。

Matsushita viewed people as the critical resource of his company . 松下把人看作是他公司的重要資源。

The situation is critical . 情況緊急。

The situation was critical . 形勢吃緊。

Trina cast a critical glance into both of these rooms . 屈麗娜在這兩間房里仔細地打量了一下。

He was very critical of the situation in the soviet union . 他對蘇聯的形勢表示強烈的不滿。

I can not afford to be critical . 我不能苛求。

To the critical military mind this made no sense . 用批判的軍事眼光來看,這樣做毫無意義。

Both will break at the same critical state of stress . 兩者將在相同的臨界壓力狀態下破碎。

Don't you know that ben's condition is critical ? 難道你還不知道阿賓的病已經萬分危急嗎?