
critic n.1.批評家,評論家;鑒定家。2.吹毛求疵的人。3.〔...


He was the rarest of statesmen, one whose integrity disarms even his critics . 他為人正直,連批評他的人也佩服他三分,在當代政治家中實屬罕見。

Both defoe and his critics took the question of factual accuracy as a fundamental one . 笛福及其批評家們都把事實的準確與否看成一個重要問題。

His prose, while less archaic than some critics have maintained has no new note in it . 他的散文雖不如某些評論家所說那樣古奧,卻也無新意。

The same critics often seem to regard bureaucracy as both aggressive and passive . 同一些批評者似乎認為官僚政治既是有為的,又是無為的。

Some critics have been troubled by the novel's streak of sentimentality and morbidity . 有些評論家對小說略帶感傷和病態的色彩感到不快。

But many of adams's most vocal and unrelenting critics turned out to be republicans . 但是對亞當斯進行口誅筆伐的,多數竟是共和黨人。

He became a progressively harsh and disillusioned critic of his country's failings . 他成了一個摒棄一切幻想,嚴厲抨擊時弊的批評家。

It was, as one critic afterward said, one of the “great mistakes of the war“ . 象一位評論家后來所說,這是“戰爭中巨大錯誤”之一。

One never feels that its author has dried up as critics alleged at the time . 當時有些批評家說他江郎才盡了,我們從沒有這種感覺。

Critics charge that these programs do not present a balanced picture of real life . 評論家抨擊這種節目沒有全面的地表現真實生活。

Many critics within and without government are appalled by this relationship . 政府內外的許多批評家,都對這種關系感到驚詫。

After my critics had had their say. jones looked across the table and said . 在反對我的人對我評論了一番后,瓊斯隔著桌子說。

Rockfeller critics were fond of accusing him of having an “edifice complex. “ 批評洛克菲勒的人喜歡挖苦他,說他患有建筑狂。

He proved that he was right and his critics had to back down . 他證明了他是正確的,而那些非難他的人不得不收起他們那一套。

A radical critic of society has turned into a high-church reactionary . 一個激進的社會批評家變成了高教會派的反動分子。

It serves as a skeptical critic of the self-transcending element . 它對于超越自身因素起著一個懷疑論批評家的作用。

A friendly critic might have called his heaviness weighty . 善意的評論者甚至能把他的笨重舉止說成是穩重沉著。

Critics fear the bill will have its teeth drawn before it becomes law . 評論家擔心法案獲通過時已鋒芒盡失。

The company was fined 1000 , which critics said it was too light . 公司被罰1000英鎊,評論者稱懲處過輕。