
criteria n.criterion 的復數。


The principal criteria of management efficiency imposed on divisions are ability to stay on plan, sales and market share increases, recovery of accounts receivable, and inventory turn . 審察各分部管理效率的主要標準是執行計劃的能力,銷售額和市場份額增長額,應收帳款的回收情況和庫存周轉。

A purely pragmatic policy provides no criteria for other nations to assess our performance and no standards to which the american people can rally . 采用純粹的實用主義政策,既不能給別國提供評價我國行動的準繩,也不能提出使美國人民一致行動的準則。

The high clock frequency requirements will have to be weighed against the need for tighter design criteria that ensure high noise immunity . 高時鐘頻率的要求比高抗擾度的要求更為重要,因為高抗擾度可通過精心設計予以保證。

I favored secrecy because it freed me from the necessity of living up to criteria set beforehand by the media and critics . 我贊成秘密訪問,因為這樣我就不必受輿論界和批評我的人事先定的規定的掣肘。

As design studies progressed it was found that several airfoil shapes could be used to satisfy the new performance criteria . 當進行設計的研究工作后,發現有幾種翼型可以用來滿足新的性能指標。

With kuratowski's theorem, there is at least a criterion to use in discussing the nonplanarity of a graph . 有了庫拉圖夫斯基定理,在討論一個圖的非平面性時,至少就有了一個判別準則可供使用。

From this simple but hard-to-interpret statement has evolved a much more quantitative and sophisticated set of criteria . 由這一簡單而難以解釋的敘述,已經發展成很多定量的和復雜的判據組合。

The uses to which the atlas are put are so varied that it was difficult to select the most important copying criteria . 地圖冊的用處各種各樣,所以難以確定復制應遵循的最重要原則。

Failure to meet these criteria will result in the error being retained as a bit set in a fault register . 不符合這些規則,就會引起在故障寄存器中將差錯作為一個字符組被保存下來。

The use of resources is determined by human choice and powerfully influenced by social and economic criteria . 資源的利用因為人類的選擇而定,并且強烈地受社會及經濟標準所影響。

The criterion of irreversibility is also not decisive for the interpretation of demarcation of developmental homeostasis . 不可逆標準對于解釋或區分發育同形作用也是不明確的。

They point out inadequacies in applying criteria developed from metallurgical practice to reinforced plastics . 他們指出了把冶金工業采用的斷裂標準應用于增強塑料的不適合性。

Galois's work supplied a criterion constructibility that disposed of some of the famous problems . Galois的工作提供了可作圖的一個判別法,這個判別法解決了一些著名的問題。

Timeliness is important as it defines the response-time criterion in advance of the system's implementation . 及時性很重要,因為它規定了先于系統運行作出反應的時間標準。

The military emphasized on education, efficiency, loyalty with all other criteria for determining promotion . 部隊提升強調學歷,工作效率,忠于職守以及其他一些標準。

The test object will also satisfy the criteria of the first law when referred to the new frame or reference . 檢驗物體在這個新的參照系中也能滿足牛頓第一定律的條件。

To be helpful to the president the machinery for making decisions must therefore meet several criteria . 為了要能對總統有所幫助,決策機構必須符合幾條標準。

Establishing criterion for investment of a nation's resources is crucially important for poor countries . 對窮國來說,建立國家資源的投資標準是至關重要的。

Explicit stability criteria for general finite element formulations have not yet been developed . 對于一般的有限元素表達形式,還沒有得出顯式的穩定性標準。