
crista n.(pl. -tae ) 【解剖學;動物學】脊;卵鞘脊...


At low concentration of zn , the changes in ultrastructure were nuclei deformation , chloroplast swelling and disorder of thylakoid arrangement ; serious damages in ultrastructure caused by greater zn stress were indicated by scattered nucleoli , condensed chromatin , almost empty nuclei with nuclear membrane disrupted and nucleoplasm flowing into cytoplasm , swollen and partly dissolved cristae of mitochondria , disrupted and collapsed chloroplast envelopes , and some dissolved thylakoids that flew into cytoplasm 超微結構的變化也呈現加重趨勢,低濃度處理的變化為細胞核變形、葉綠體膨脹、類囊體排列紊亂;嚴重的超微結構的損傷是核仁散開、染色質凝集,細胞核幾乎成為空核和核膜破裂,核質散出;線粒體脊突膨脹和部分溶解;葉綠體膜斷裂、消失和部分類囊體溶解和散到細胞質中。

In spermatogenous cell , we could find dilated cytolemma , dilated nuclear membrane and fused crista of mitochondria . most of the sperm ' s cellular membrane dissolved and broke down into pieces . the central granule and mitochondrion showed little dissolving 久效磷可以使金魚精子細胞質膜溶解,出現間斷性斷裂;有的精子頭部變形,頂部出現凹陷;少量精子頸部中心粒復合體溶解;精子頸部線粒體有溶解現象,精子尾部的膜結構斷裂。

There were copper granules in the cells of midgut . a lot of vacuolus occurred in the cytoplasm of the cells . the cristae in mitochondria were disintegrated partially and copper granules were absorbed into mitochondria 中腸細胞內也分布有銅顆粒,細胞質出現空泡化;線粒體內嵴部分解體,并有銅顆粒附著在線粒體上。

Fig . 4 anoxia reperfusion group with the addition cerium ions : mitochondria swelling and cristae vague appear in the cell . cerium deposits can be seen in the mitochondria 圖4缺氧再灌注加鈰組:心肌細胞內線粒體腫脹,嵴模糊不清。線粒體內可見鈰沉積顆粒。

Crista ( pl . cristae ) the structure formed by folding of the inner mitochondrial membrane , giving a large surface area for electron transport 嵴(嵴膜) :線粒體內膜向內室褶疊形成的結構,可以為電子傳遞提供更大的表面積。

A lot of vacuolus occurred in the cytoplasm of the cells . the nuclear membranes and cristae in mitochondria were disintegrated partially 中腸細胞內含有鉛顆粒,細胞質出現空泡化,核膜和線粒體內嵴部分解體。

The mitochondria expanded and vacuolated and its cristae disappeared ; the double membrane was broken 細胞核形狀不規則,核膜破損,異染色質聚集突出,核物質外流。

These shelflike inner folds are called cristae . 這些板狀的內折叫做嵴。