
crisscross n.1.十字押,十字號[圖案];十字交叉形式。2.齟齬,...


Meanwhile , stuffed animals continued to mount outside tunstall ' s apartment , its door crisscrossed with white evidence tape . there was a white teddy bear , and a stuffed race car with demond ' s name 同時,各種動物玩具不斷地在湯斯頓的寓所內找出來,寓所大門已經貼上了封條。玩具中有一個白色的泰迪熊,一輛標有德蒙名字的玩具賽車。

With tens of carts crisscrossing each other resulting in occasional collisions , our drivers managed to keep their eyes on the course and concentrated on reaching the destination safely . this was the best way , wasn t it 太陽風在慘被碰撞之后,有關車手當機立斷,一于你有你撞,我有我行,平安到達,是為上策。

The region was crisscrossed by myriad rivers , canals , and irrigation streams that fed lush market gardens and paddies in which the young rice shoots grew , or flowed into lakes and ponds where fish and ducks were raised 這里河流水道交錯、灌溉溝渠縱橫,滋養了稻穗累累的水田,也流入一望無際的湖泊和養鴨、魚的池塘。

Discard the membrane , brain and internal organs of the squids , rinse , remove the inner shell - like skin , score crisscross cuts on the insides , slice , add clear soup , stew till the slices roll up and are flavored , remove 鮮魷魚撕凈套膜,摘下頭腦內臟,治凈后去角質內殼,在體內剞花刀后切片,下清湯中汆至入味撈出

As soon as we left hedong airport in yinchuan , the capital city of ningxia , we were surprised to see such beautiful rural scenery in front of us - endless farmland , crisscrossing paths , and numerous ditches with running water 其實,我心底里也說不清我對寧夏有什么留戀,與人們愛他她的愛人一樣,很難說清道明。

There are always points of overlap and crisscrossing which provide a foundation for us to use our linguistic , emotional and cognitive imagination to comprehend what is said and expressed in alien traditions 交叉與重疊總是存在的,它為我們使用語言的、情感的以及認知的想象力去理解其他傳統提供了一個基礎。

These particles , furthermore , are embedded in about 1 , 000 square centimeters ( more than a square foot ) of aerogel , which after years in space is likely to be crisscrossed with cracks and flaws 此外、這些顆粒深植在1000平方厘米的氣凝膠中,經過數年的太空飛行氣凝膠很可能布滿交錯的裂痕和缺陷。

Special shaped r . c . columns ( usually l - shaped , t - shaped or crisscross section ) have been used widely in civil engineering field in recent years on account of their superiority 采用異形柱可以避免房間轉角因采用矩形柱時所產生的棱角突出,從而使房屋室內空間平整、布置靈活、方便。

With tens of carts crisscrossing each other resulting in occasional collisions , our drivers managed to keep their eyes on the course and concentrated on reaching the destination safely 太陽風在慘被碰撞之后,有關車手當機立斷,一于你有你撞,我有我行,平安到達,是為上策。

The tower is not the only architectural treasure in venice under threat . the entire city - built on a lagoon and crisscrossed by canals - suffers from periodic flooding 在威尼斯,圣馬克鐘樓并非是惟一的瀕危文化遺產。這座全球聞名遐爾的水城正遭受著海水定期上漲危機。

Most of the area is alluvial plain , with waterways crisscrossing . the land is fertile , rainfall plentiful , the climate mild , with spring present all year round 境內絕大部分是江河沖積的平原,河涌交錯,土地肥沃,氣候溫和,雨量充沛,四季常春。

Lao she had said : “ lost the loving mother then likely to crisscross in the jar , although also colored had the fragrance , actually has lost the root ” 老舍曾經說過: “失去了慈母便像花插在瓶子里,雖然還有色有香,卻失去了根” 。

Columns ( usua1ly l - shaped , t - shaped or crisscross section ) have been used widely in civil engineering field in recent years on account of their superiority 隨著住宅建設的改革,異形截面柱結構體系必將得到更廣泛的應用。

The tower is not the only architectural treasure in venice under threat . the entire city - built on a lagoon and crisscrossed by canals 比薩斜塔是意大利著名的建筑,由于威尼斯獨特的地質特點出現越來越多的“斜塔” 。

Geographically , jiangmen municipality is located in an alluvial plain in river delta , with low hills dotted crisscrossed rivers and fertile soil 江門市屬河流三角洲沖積平原,低山丘陵錯落其間,河網縱橫,土地肥沃。

The remote fault diagnosis based on internet is a new technology field in which several developing branches are crisscrossing and permeating 基于internet的遠程故障診斷技術是一個多學科交叉滲透的新興技術領域。

The topography is hilly in the main , with big and small rivers crisscrossing . there was certain ratio of valley basins 韶關市地形以山地丘陵為主,大小河流密布,河谷盆地也有相當比重。

The national highway 207 and 325 and guangzhou - zhanjiang expressway crisscross , making zhangjiang a main hub of highways 國道207線、 325錢和廣湛高速公路縱橫交錯,是全國公路主樞紐之一。

A dogleg with a crisscross burn leaving a second shot to a plateau green with out of bounds at the rear 一個彎曲的十字小溪使得第二桿要擊球到一個高原果嶺,高原后方禁止擊球入內。