
crispate adj.卷縮起皺的,卷曲的;【動、植】卷縮狀的,皺成波狀...


3 ) the total content of flavonoids in h . crispate from different districts in different seasons were analyzed by spectrophotometryic method . the references were rutine and farrerol . the total content of flavonoids showed different numerical values in samples from different districts in different seasons 3 )建立了采用分光光度法,分別以蘆丁、杜鵑素為對照品,對不同產地、不同采集季節的皺邊石杉中的總黃酮含量進行測定。

3 relationship between main constituents and growth environment of h . crispate : the content of quick - acting potassium of the soil at the growing site was the positive correlating factor that correlates with the hup . a in the plant 0統計軟件進行數據處理,結果顯示: 1 )皺邊石杉中石杉堿甲含量與年平均溫度呈負相關、與土壤中速效k的含量呈正相關。

The researches on the determination method of main constituents and relationships between constituents and environment and seasons have also not been reported . h . crispate ching is a unique species of huperziaceae family in china 同時關于石杉屬植物主要化學成分的含量測定方法、主要化學成分與生長環境及季節的關系等方面的研究都還處于空白狀態。

The methods of determination of huperzine a , farrerol , and the total content of flavonoids in h . crispate were established . the relationships between the main constituents and the environment and seasons were studied 建立了皺邊石杉中石杉堿甲、杜鵑素、總黃酮含量測定方法,并研究它們與環境及季節的關系。

The result showed the content of hup . a in h . crispate was higher than that in h . serrata written in literature . the content of hup . a varied in different samples 皺邊石杉中石杉堿甲在不同的季節內含量變化不大:石杉堿甲在皺邊石杉中的含量以春季含量最高。

In this paper , the constituents of h . crispate , including alkaloids , flavonoids , and triterpenes , were studied . huperzine a was first isolated from it 本項研究選擇皺邊石杉為材料,對其所含的生物堿類、黃酮類、三萜類等進行了系統研究。

In spring , the compounds in h . crispate were mainly flavanones , but in autumn , flavones were dominant 春季以二氫黃酮類為主,秋季則以黃酮類為主。

And the structure of flavonoids in h . crispate in different seasons is also different 不同結構種類的黃酮在植物體內的時間積累不同。

2 ) a method of hplc was set up to assay the content of farrerol in h . crispate 2 )建立了hplc測定皺邊石杉中杜鵑素含量的方法。