
crisp adj.1.卷縮的;起皺的;有微波的。2.脆的,易碎的。...


A small , thin , crisp cake , biscuit , or candy 華夫餅干一種小而薄、脆的餅、餅干或糖果

Prof . smith give a crisp speech yesterday 昨天,史密斯教授作了一個簡明扼要的講話。

The wagging wasp grasps the crisp clasp for a gasp 搖擺的黃蜂抓住脆鉤喘息

Synergy n9 cyclic response is crisp and predictable 協同n9循環反應是酥和可預見性

We went for an outing on a crisp fall day 我們在一個秋高氣爽的日子去遠足了。

The air took on a very fresh and crisp feeling 空氣帶來了一陣新鮮又活潑的感覺。

Synergy n9 cyclic response is crisp and predictable 協同n9號循環脆而明確的回應

Use wholegrains for stuffings and crisp savoury crusts 使用全?來做填充料及面皮

They look for fresh , tender , crisp textures 粵菜取料廣泛,他們講究鮮嫩和酥脆。

The sailor hesitated a moment, looked anew at the woman, came in, unfolded five crisp pieces of paper, and threw them down upon the table-cloth . 水手猶豫了一下,重新看了看那女人,走進來,打開五張沙沙響的新紙幣,丟在臺布上。

My average life is 18 months, during which i change from a crisp bill to a limp rag with broken edges and turned corners . 我的平均壽命是18個月,在此期間我從一張挺括的紙幣變成一張軟綿綿的邊也壞了,角也折了的破票子。

He had sharp, if not brilliant, tongue in his heada gift at times for making crisp and cynical remarks . 他嘴里長了個很鋒利的舌頭,雖然還說不上雄辯,這是他的一種天賦,有時候能說些切中要害的刻薄話。

Frank stared at the crisp blue five-pound note, longing to tear it into shreds and fling them in paddy's face . 弗蘭克望著那一張折疊有聲的5鎊的鈔票,心里真想把它撕得粉碎,投到帕迪臉上去。

Again he felt the roll of crisp bills in his pocket; if things went wrong he could always run away . 他再一次摸了袋里一大疊沙沙作響的鈔票,要是情況不妙,他總是可以逃之夭夭。

“there's only our farm near, sir,“ she spoke without shyness, in a pretty soft crisp voice . “附近只有我們家的農莊,先生。”她毫不羞澀地說,聲音十分柔和清脆。

At times his hatred of the railroad shook him like a crisp and withered reed . 他對鐵路公司的痛恨時常叫他氣得發抖,活像一根脆弱、枯萎的蘆草。

Most fruit and vegetables after thawing, are not as crisp as when they were fresh . 多數蔬菜和水果在解凍以后,就不再像新鮮時那樣鮮嫩了。

September was crisping the berlin air and yellowing the leaves when pug got back . 帕格回去的時候,柏林的九月空氣清新,樹葉正在變黃。

He was as crisp as a new dollar bill-as clean, sharp, firmly limned . 他就象一張嶄新的鈔票一樣利落--一樣干凈,鮮明,一絲不茍。